Rising Pheonix: A journey of healing and self discovery

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In the echoes of a shattered heart,
Amidst the ruins, a brand-new start,
A journey begins, both brave and slow,
From heartbreak's depths, the spirit will grow.

Through tear-streaked nights and sunlit days,
A metamorphosis in countless ways,
The pain once fierce begins to wane,
As healing whispers, soothing the pain.

With each sunrise, a healing song,
A melody where the heart belongs,
In every smile, a glimmer bright,
Guided by love's returning light.

The broken pieces, once apart,
Now merge to form a work of art,
A mosaic of resilience and grace,
A newfound strength in every trace.

Embracing flaws, embracing fears,
Embracing laughter, embracing tears,
The true self emerges, strong and free,
In the mirror's gaze, it's clarity they see.

A warrior forged in the fires of strife,
A survivor embracing newfound life,
In healing's dance, the spirit's flight,
A phoenix rising, taking flight.

So let the healing waters flow,
In their embrace, the heart will know,
That from the fragments, a whole is born,
In healing's light, you are reborn.

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