failed attack

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Kol was walking around the town of mystic falls as he searches for his next pray. He sees a girl who was pale but he tilted his head he heard no heart beat before she turns and walks towards the woods as he followed after her.

Mandy walks through woods before disappearing as kol gets closer but was confused he could have sworn he just saw her when it suddenly goes cold as he can see his breath as he looks around.

He turns hearing soft foot steps turning to a girl who looked no more then fourteen with cold eyes "well hello love"he says with a smirk.

Mandy slowly tilted her head as she flickers making kol blink as he shakes his head before suddenly she was in front of him as he groans holding his gut "you will suffer the same fate as the others"she saw with hallow voice making him confused before he falls down to his knees groaning before screaming as he falls to his side as a searing pain cuts across his stomach as blood starts to pull out.

Klaus having a bad feeling he takes his phone a she dials kol but it goes straight to voicemail "of course your out hunting an innocent again"he says annoyed as Elena who was near gasp making him tim with a smirk but was confused as she grabs his arm"your brother do you know we're he is"she asked as he raised an eyebrow.

Kol screams as he felt stab wounds as blood pools out his mouth "what the hell are you"he groans out.

"Mandy!"a voice shouts making the spirit turns a she glares at her siblings "it was y'all's fault"she screech's as the vampires groans covering there ears as she flickers disappearing as kol lets out a breath of relief sitting up on his elbows"what the bloody hell just happen"he says as the Scooby gang shares a look while the mikaelsons were shocked at what they just witnessed before everything went black.

Now everyone one was shown sitting with the Winchesters."okay what the bloody hell is going on"Rebekah says annoyed.

"Kol you were attacked by our younger sister Mandy who is an extremely pissed off spirit"Elena says paceing.

"Wait you had a sister "Elijah asked confused.

"Yes her name was Mandy she was fourteen but before y'all were even her she was attacked and killed by a psycho who followed her and stalked her"Elena says.

"Your leaving something out love"Klaus says.

Elena sighs"for a while she felt like she was being watched but we didn't believe her and the night she died I was being there for Bonnie cause her grams just died and Jeremy was looking for Vicky she tried to call us but we basically signed her death when we blew her off."she says as Rebekah scoffs"so your sister died from you and y'all's brother basically for people who are even blood related to you"she says disgusted with them.

"Look we already feel bad enough but her spirit is filled with anger and hatred as its lashing out and killing people like who killed her"Jeremy says running a stressed hand as the Winchesters walk over "we found out who killed your sister"Sam says as everyone turns towards them.

"It was a male she went to school with Caleb but here's the thing he may look like a teenager but he is actually a thirty year old male who is a serial killer"he says as the Gilbert siblings sit there in horror and shock"and it would seem he's back in town that means mand will be going after him"he says as they share looks.

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