investigation and research

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The Scooby gang was shown sitting in the main room of the Salvatore boarding house.

"So we might have a few threat"Stefan says as Damon scoffs leaning back into the couch "who cares we can easily take care of them"he says with a smirk.

Stefan and Elena share a look as she sighs "it's not that simple. When we saw the crime scene the man was pinned to the wall with pipes and his guy cut open as they hung out but there was two words written on the wall'the beginning 'so it's only the start"Elena explained.

Caroline furrows her eyebrows"but wait that not what a vampire does tho"she says confused.

"That's right so we need to find this thing and fast before someone else gets killed "Stefan says as they all share a look.

It was later day as Sam and dean where shown in there hotel room doing research.

Sam typed away on his computer"well I can say it's a ghost and angry one at that and I think I know who it is come look at this "he says as dean walks over"this girl name Mandy Gilbert was killed a couple of days ago she was 14 years old she was stabbed repeatedly,once in her chest and lungs while a large slash cut across from her as her guts were hung out all while in the woods "he says as a school picture of Mandy were she was smiling wearing a ghost face T-shirt with a jeans skit and heels boots next to the picture of her crime scene of her body.

Dean raised an eyebrow as they share a look before they were shown at the Gilbert house as they knock on the door.

Jenna opens the door"hello can I help you "she asked confused.

They hold up there badges"mam were with the fib and we would like to ask you a few questions about Mandy Gilbert"dean asked as tears well up in her eyes.

Soon they were shown sitting in the living room "Mandy was a creative girl she loved to draw and help people"jenna says with a sniffle.

"Do you know if anyone would want to hurt her"Sam asked the women as Jenna thinks "she did says she felt like she was always feeling like she was being watched and sending her these creepy txt...I should have answered that night she would have still been alive"Jenna says cry.

"What do you mean"dean says as he and Sam shared a look.

Jenny sniffles "the night of her murder um she had called ,me, Elena, Jeremy and Liz but none of us picked up I wish I did. When Elena got here with her boyfriend a window was broken as the back door to the woods was open"she says remembering how Mandy called for help as dean and Sam shared look they would need to check it out tonight.

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