iii. "we're going to see pandora, bitch!"

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FRUSTRATION was evident in my body. who would have thought he was going to sleep in the same room as me. what was the logic here?? i internally groaned at myself. "i should have expected this." that's all i could think about.

     after all, the universe works that way, not always getting want you want.

     britain looked like he was taking a nap, a really deep one if i must say so myself. i honestly didn't want to shift a single muscle, scared if he would wake up. before you ask me, why can't i just complain about this with the organizer?

     the truth is, i can't! i have just been granted the wonderful opportunity of being in the sequel of THE highest grossing film of all time! i'm not going to be a brat just because i have beef with an asshole.

    i sighed and plopped myself on the bed, laying down. perhaps i may have done that a bit too loud since britain just miraculously woke up. he groaned as he sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

     as britain squinted when he noticed my although, blurry presence, he almost let out a yell."what are you doing here? how the fuck did you come into my room?!" he shouted, startling me.

   "calm down! it's my room too!" i replied. he didn't seem to buy it though. "yea right! you could have been staring at me like the slut you are, leave!" he demanded. "uhm, okay wow but i'm staying in the same room as you are britain!" i showed him my hotel keys, it showed the exact same number as the room i had entered.

     "no, no, this has to be a mistake! like i can't sleep
in the same room with a girl!" britain vexed. "why? are you that scared? don't worry, i won't just fuck you in the middle of the night." i clarified. he just gave me a disgusted look. "you're horrible, you know that?" he blankly said. "you just called me a slut?" i deadpanned.

     "well, there's two beds, so it's alright, i guess.." he sighed. "woah, britain dalton agreeing to this? i thought you'll make a scene." i chuckled. "shut up. i'm agreeing because i don't wanna sound so petty." he spat back. "well dalton, you better get ready since we're going to see pandora, bitch!" i informed while grabbing my clothes and headed to the washroom. he just scoffed.

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      somehow i have managed to survive a night with britain. we were so tired from the screen tests and went to sleep with no talking; separate beds, of course.

     the next day, everyone gathered in our hotel lobby, all packed and ready. this was actually my first time meeting both trinity and jack. the little girl ran up to me and hugged me tight. "you're so pretty!" she complimented, i did blush a bit—children are so pure.

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