{Bruies and Love}

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"Jeez I have manners" Akane rolled his eyes as he said this and Teru then replied "If that's true then Why did you follow that girl home hm?" Akane eyes widened he had been caught and he grabbed teru wrist and he says"What do you know about her please tell me" Teru was a bit shocked by Akane boldness and Teru then says"Well it seems someone has a crush" Akane stays silent as he glared at teru and grips his wrist harshly causing a slight bruising and Akane and teru stared at each other before Akane let go and he Muttered"Aoi is perfect something you could never understand..." Teru sighs and he looks at Akane and his smile dropped and teru then says"I understand you like her but you didn't have to hurt me" Akane shot him a glare and he says"I didn't hurt you...that badly" Teru gets up from the bed his wrist were bruising as he goes downstairs——-At breakfast—-akane was daydreaming about aoi She was with him after all those years of being alone and Teru was helping kou make breakfast but Tiara then came over to Akane and asked"Akane? Do you like my brother teru? I saw him holding you down on the bed and kou told me that's what people do if they love each other" Akane friends and he groans in annoyance and Akane then says"No I don't like him besides I like someone much better" Tiara was saddened by the fact Akane didn't like teru she thought they would be perfect together but she nodded sadly and Akane sighs and he says"Listen this has to be kept a secret but I do have a small crush on teru I know I met him only a week ago but his just perfect and he remains me of some one so can you please keep this a secret" Akane didn't actually like teru Akane just wanted to cheer Tiara up and Tiara face brightens and she had the biggest smile as she nodded and says"Yes yes I promise to keep a secret" Teru noticed Tiara and Akane getting along and he wondered what they were talking about but didn't want to be a bother so he then says"Hey guy's breakfast is ready" Akane and Tiara looked up from there conversation and Akane nods and he says"Finally thank you teru and kou" Tiara nodded and she jumped a bit due to excitement and she says"Yeah thank you" Teru chuckled a bit as he gives Tiara her plate then Kou's plate then his own plate and last Akane plate which Akane didn't mind since he got food and Teru look at Akane and he says"Come in Akane what do you say?" Tiara looks at Akane as well and Akane sighs and he says"I already said thank you" Teru then says"Yeah you did but you did it with attitude" Akane groans in annoyance and he says"Fine fine...Thank you kou and teru for the food" Teru nods In approval and Akane glared at him yet looked down at his food and ate it and His eyes lite up since he liked the food it was very good since he hadn't had food in a long time and He ate all his food not wanting to spoil one bit———Later that evening Akane was sitting in hanako-Kun bathroom and Hanako wasn't there on a date with Yashiro and Akane was thinking about his past and Akane didn't realize he was crying as he was sitting in one of the stalls as warm tears slid down his cheeks his eyes were red and puffy his face red yet He didn't even realize it as he zoned out thinking about his past....He wished he could relive it again to see her and then everything would be beautiful again—-(Sorry if this was short I'm preparing for a very long chapter since I will be explaining Akane pats in the 5th chapter :D)

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