Cake at Stake

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Laotian: It's time for Take at Make!

Tree: Don't you mean Cake at Stake?

Laotian: No.

Cake at Stake intro:

All the points are gone, we are free of them now but we look on, to the moment that we see, the next slice of cake, a step closer to the prize bought on at Cake at Stake!

Laotian: Death P.A.C.T. Yet Again, you lost first because you kept focusing on Pillow instead of getting me food.

Laotian: The cake today is stuffed crust pizza!

Pen: [gasp] Stuffed Crust Pizza!

Laotian: 10 of you will be getting this cheesy goodness, 1 of you will leave with no pizza.

Laotian: We received 6 votes! Black Hole, Bottle, Lightning, Liy, Pen, Pie, Pillow and Remote are all safe with 0 votes.

[Black Hole, Bottle, Lightning, Liy, Pen, Pie, Pillow and Remote get cake]

Pen: I need to see how cheesy the crust it. [bites into the crust and chews]

Pen: Oh wow, that's the cheesiest one I've ever had! Right Bottle?

Bottle: Yeah!

Laotian: Fanny, Marker and Tree tie with 1 vote each, people might find Fanny's hating everything gag annoying, Marker hasn't really done much for the team and Tree isn't that much of a problem being the team leader. Who should be eliminated?

Pillow: Tree!

Lightning: Fanny!

Pen: Marker!

Laotian: Pen has decided, goodbye Marker!

[Laotian wipes out Marker]

Fanny: I hate pizza!

Tree: We know but don't you hate how "hate" is such a strong word?

Fanny: Oh, I guess you have a point, but still I hate pizza!

Laotian: Team Bracelety and Ice Cube, you lost second because you didn't collect enough food, so one of you will be leaving!

Laotian: Bell, Bracelety, Firey Jr, Lollipop, Price Tag, Saw, Teardrop and Woody are all safe with 0 votes!

[Bell, Bracelety, Firey Jr, Lollipop, Price Tag, Saw, Teardrop and Woody get cake]

Bell: Let's try it! [eats the crust] Hmm, that's a pretty stuffed crust.

Laotian: Dora, Gaty and Ice Cube tie with 1 vote each, Dora might get hated for not having a human face, Gaty gets misgendered a lot and Ice Cube might get annoying for being repetetively  vengeful, who should be eliminated?

Gaty: Eliminate Dora, Ice Cube and I deserve to stay!

Laotian: Pasa la vista to Dora then.

[Laotian wipes out Dora]

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