Chapter 01

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Lily and Mark's house - Night

7:15 pm

Lily sat in her room, her gaze fixed on an open math textbook as she tried to understand some complex equation she learned in class. She furrowed her brow in concentration as she absentmindedly started biting her lip. She scratched down important notes in her notebook lying on her bed. Many crumpled-up pieces of paper were strewn around her. The soft, warm light from an antique desk lamp she got at a thrift shop illuminated the pages. After a bit, she stopped, putting down the pencil and placing her hand on her cheek as she propped up her head on her hand, bending down to get a better look at the book. It was one of those moments when the math problems seemed to be playing hard to get, and Lily was determined to win the game.

At that moment, the room was filled with a quiet determination, often broken by the faint strains of rock music from Mark's room. He was the type of guy who decided he did not want to stick to the rules of society. His room was a haven for classic rock, where his walls were plastered with posters of rock legends from decades past, blackout curtains set halfway up, and there were a few clothes thrown here and there haphazardly, with the exception of some of them being in their respective places, at least. He had a guitar propped up on the wall next to his bed, which he got from the local guitar shop. He was lying on his bed as he had his earbuds in and his phone in his hand, listening to some random rock band on Spotify. He had disheveled dark hair and sported a vintage t-shirt and a leather jacket.

However, he was also a protective older brother, and beyond all that was a heart of gold that would protect his sister no matter what. The kind of brother anyone would be lucky to have. On the other hand, Lily's room was a delightful blend of the unusual and the cozy. She has little vintage treasures and trinkets adorning the space, placed everywhere possible. A well-loved Persian rug lay on the floor, its colors slightly faded by the years. The walls held a variety of art, from vintage posters to hand-painted canvases. Her bookshelves were lined with countless books, some of them series and some of them standalone books. Among them was Moby Dick, her favorite. On one wall, a starry night sky poster cast a soft glow.

Lily was fascinated with the supernatural and the enigmatic. She was often referred to as the town's eccentric. She does not mind being seen as "weird" because her love for the mysterious and unexplained makes her who she is. In this town, people decided to dismiss the unknown. However, Lily decides to embrace it, which sets her apart. She groaned as she closed her notebook, getting up from her bed and sitting on the edge. With a sigh, she stretched her arms toward the ceiling, placing the notebook on the desk next to her, deciding to get back to it later, if she remembered. She smoothed out her dress and headed to Mark's room, which was just down the hallway. The distant strains of classic rock music grew louder as she approached. With a gentle knock, she waited for his faint, "come in" before she entered. "Hey, Mark."

"Oh, hey Lily. What's up? You finish your homework?" Mark turned down the music, his easygoing smile greeting her. She sighed, plopping down on the edge of his bed. "No, it's just way too freaking hard." Mark chuckled, accustomed to his sister's unique struggles with math. "You and those numbers, Lily. You know, I'm so good at math, I could totally help you." She smirked, reaching over and punching his arm lightly. "Shut up. You're terrible at math. You know it." "Yeah, I know." He took out his earbuds from his ears. She looked around his room for a moment. She felt a sense of comfort in Mark's space. They were a unique pair of siblings. Each of them were very different, but they had a shared bond of laughter, happiness, and sometimes teasing.

She frequently spent time in Mark's room, whether to do homework or to chat. She broke the silence by clearing her throat. "So, what should we have for dinner?" "What about some takeout?" "Sure. What do you want?" Lily replied. "Hm.." Mark thought. "What about pizza?" He smiled. Lily jumped up. "Heck yeah! Let me get my phone." She quickly left the room and came back. She sat down on his bed once again. She dialed the number of the local pizza place and waited as the ringing sound blared throughout the room.

Finally, a young woman's voice spoke through the phone. "Hi, welcome to Rocco's Pizzeria, how may I help you?"

"Hi, I'd like to place an order for delivery, please."

"Sure, what's your name?"

"It's Lily Baker."

"Great, Lily. What would you like to order today?"

- "I'll have a large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese."

"Large pepperoni with extra cheese, got it. Anything else?"

"Yes, I'd also like a side of garlic knots, please."

"Sure thing, garlic knots. Anything to drink?"

"A two-liter bottle of cola, please."

"Got it. Your total comes to $22.50, and your order will be delivered to 123 Oak Street. Is that correct?"

"That's correct."

"Thank you, Lily. Your order will be delivered in about 30 minutes. Enjoy your meal!"

"Thank you, bu-bye." She hung up, placing the phone next to her. The room was filled with the delicious anticipation of their pizza feast as they waited for the delivery. "C'mon, let's go pick out a movie," Lily said as she got up and headed to the living room, with Mark following her.

In the living room, they sat next to each other on the couch as they watched their favorite TV show reruns. Lily ate a bite of her pizza, setting it down on the plate on the coffee table in front of them before grabbing her cup and drinking a sip. She turned to Mark, seeing him demolish the piece of pizza that he had taken as well as downing his cup of soda. Lily chuckled, shaking her head at his antics as she almost choked on her sip of coke. She set her cup down and looked over at him again. "Mark, you silly goose." Mark wiped his mouth with a napkin, grinning mischievously. "Hey, it's the best way to enjoy pizza, Lily. You should try it!"

Lily rolled her eyes playfully. "I'll stick to eating like a normal person, thanks." As the TV show played in the background, Mark's playful grin faded into a more thoughtful expression. "You know, Lily," he began, "I've been thinking about our next big adventure. Maybe we should plan a road trip this summer, explore some of those quirky roadside attractions you love so much" Lily's eyes lit up with excitement. "Really, Mark? That sounds amazing! I've always wanted to visit the Mystery Shack in Oregon and that alien-themed diner in Nevada. It would be a blast."

Mark laughed, a warm and genuine sound that echoed through the living room. "Alright, as long as you promise not to start collecting alien conspiracy theories on the road. But hey, I'll indulge you in a few of those quirky diners and museums." Lily grinned. "Deal. And no alien theories, I promise. We'll just have fun and make some unforgettable memories."

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