Descent four

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Descent four: I forgot to check the moon today, but dinner had me thinking. When in the city few stars may be seen, but the moon can shine so bright. I'm f course this is do to the power of the sun, and not the moon itself. This made me realize just how much I miss the mountains. The mountains I had used to visit had little light pollution and so you could see the night sky in its full beauty. Such things I never as a kid and do regret now. I wish that now that I'm older and can appreciate it more I could once again see those stars atop the mountain. The night sky was so bright, it is hard to believe. You could walk without light and still see quite well, not the unnatural dark of the city. The night in the mountains are dark don't get me wrong, but the sky held much light. I look to the sky from my window and see only black, the ancients would look up and see countless lights dotting the sky. Looking up at the sky in the city could make one feel we are alone on this orb of ours, but if one were to view the sky far away from the city they would see the grandeur of the universe. Perhaps the dark, lightless sky is part of why we feel so isolated as people, when if one could the sky filled with the dancing light of the stars they could realize the scale at which we live. Such thoughts come and go, I do really miss the mountains but I will live on to see them again. Though perhaps I should visit the desert where the night should be even brighter.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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