The Kiss at the Lake

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"I've had a headache since yesterday and not even the potions Madam Pomfrey prescribed did any good," Remus complained, propping himself up on his elbows and lying down on the school lawn that meandered across Black Lake

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"I've had a headache since yesterday and not even the potions Madam Pomfrey prescribed did any good," Remus complained, propping himself up on his elbows and lying down on the school lawn that meandered across Black Lake.

The fourth graders had completed their last lesson of the day, Herbology, and, like the students in the other grades, were enjoying the pleasant late afternoon sun after leaving the greenhouses.

The smell of the foliage of the sycamore and poplar trees of the Forbidden Forest wafted in the cool breeze, and near the lake, some students played by throwing pebbles into the water, which bounced noisily on the surface.

Some carp were frolicking near the bridge, with second-year students throwing pieces of bread at them.

"With your lycanthropy, you look like a menstruating woman, Remus..." Pettigrew scoffed and laughed.

"As if you know what real lycanthropy is, Peter..." Remus growled sullenly, squeezing his temple.

"Like you'd know what a menstruating woman looks like, Pettigrew..." added James.

"Like you'd know what a woman looks like..." declared Sirius, covering his face with an open hand to shield it from the sun.

"You can all go fuck yourselves! You always mess with me!" snarled Pettigrew, raising his middle finger and throwing himself into the grass. "Maybe you'll turn into a werewolf forever, Remus..."

"Very funny, Pettigrew! It doesn't work that way, but Madam Pomfrey warned me that some symptoms can change as the full moon approaches. There are still three days until the full moon. So, it's quite normal for me to feel like this: not at my best and kind of miserable..."

Asked James, who also leaned on his elbows and crossed his leg over his knee, with a brow slightly furrowed by the sun:

"Who were you talking to in the dormitory bathroom this morning, Remus...?"

The brown-haired boy sat down on the grass, looking a little confused. Then he adjusted his glasses and shrugged as he remembered that, surprisingly, it was his friends who were waiting for him that morning, already dressed as Remus left the bathroom with only part of his uniform on, looking ghostly pale.

"With no one in particular. It's just that..." — the boy hesitated, biting his lips— - "It's just that... Sometimes I talk to the wolf. When I first started doing it, I thought I was going crazy, but I talked to Madam Pomfrey afterward and she reassured me that maybe it would be good for me to get along with him better..."

"You talk about lycanthropy as if you have another being inside you..."

Remus shrugged again, glancing involuntarily to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, where the Whomping Willow was moving its branches, trying in vain to reach a flock of owls that had flown too close to its canopy.

"But it's just like that, Sirius! Lycanthropy is a virus that implants itself in the body of a host. The entire development of the lycanthrope consists of the process of these two natures inhabiting the same body and accepting each other. Especially in the first fifteen years. The wolf is a conscious creature."

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