Beware The Headless Horseman

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Tour Guide: So, this church was a gathering place for many Sleepy Hollow residents. The new one's a few blocks away. But the town wouldn't let this one go. The historical society decided to preserve it.

The tour group looked the church up and down. The architecture was indeed much older, with a faded coat of white paint layered over the wood.

Rapunzel: Looks like it's due for a facelift soon. Anyone famous buried in the cemetery?

Tour Guide: Actually, yes! Two very noticeable people.

Everyone followed him to the graveyard. Many headstones marked their territory in the green grass: some brand new, many weathered with age.

Tour Guide: This one right here is the headstone of Washington Irving, no doubt a name everyone's familiar with.

Of course, everybody nodded.

Merida: What about the Headless Horseman? Is he here, too?

A smile spread across the guide's face. He walked a couple rows down and gestured to one: cut pretty short, dirt and wear coating the stone, and the name read:

Unknown Hessian Soldier

Tour Guide: Many have believed this belonged to the soldier who rose to fame as The Headless Horseman. Years ago, the town wanted to confirm or deny if that was true. But, when they went to exhume the body....there wasn't one to be found.

A cold chill ran down Y/N's spine. He also swore there was a distant cackle.

Y/N: S-So, what happened?

Tour Guide: No one knows. If you ask me, it just confirms the story is all but true. And tonight, they say he'll be out again, and in full force.

Phineas: Ooooh, spooky!

Tour Guide: Indeed! Now, you'll all follow me....

The group walked away, but Y/N hung back. His gaze was fixed on the unknown soldier's headstone. The spiritual aura he felt back at the Irving house felt, eerily similar to this spot.

??: Sorcerer.

The world around Y/N dulled away. Tunnel vision took over. A ringing in his ears muffled all sound.

??: Hahaha. Got you. Best keep an eye out. I'm closer than you think!

Rapunzel: Y/N!!

Y/N blinked and took a breath. He looked next to him. Rapunzel eyed him with worry on her features. Her hand met his and gave a squeeze.

Rapunzel: Are you okay? You didn't hear any of us calling for you.

Y/N decided it was time to come clean. He knew denying it to Rapunzel wouldn't work. She'd find out sooner or later.

Y/N: I-I'm not sure....Do you remember when we went to the Irving house?

Rapunzel: Yes? What does that have to-?

Y/N: When we were there, I heard a voice. It sounded, wispy, almost ghostlike.

Merida: You're kidding, right?

The young sorcerer shook his head and elaborated further.

Y/N: There's something else. I felt, some kind of presence there. And here at this stone, it's the exact same.

Ferb: So you think it's the Horseman.

Y/N: Ferb, I don't what it is. Given what we heard, now, I'm not sure we can rule it out.

Strange: Probably for the best.

Y/N gasped and jumped a few inches back. His teacher had just appeared and scared the shit out of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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