Welcome to Sleepy Hollow

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We start this short story on the outskirts of a familiar town. Perhaps, you've heard of it from tales told from the past.

Sleepy Hollow

Why here, you may ask?

For the longest time, Y/N has wanted to visit the sleepy little town. And with Halloween right around the corner, what better time?

So that's where he and a few others find themselves: walking the main strait in Sleepy Hollow, absorbing as much of the Halloween spirit it exuded.

Y/N: This. Is. So cool!

Rapunzel: I can't wait to see how trick-or-treating is here!

Merida: Or maybe, there's a haunted house or two we can see. Ooh, how 'bout a ghost tour!?

Y/N couldn't help but nervously chuckle. He's never had many spiritual experiences, but the idea of ghosts and the sort....Admittedly, kinda freaked him out.

Phineas: This will be better than that haunted house we made back in middle school. Right, Ferb?

His brother kept his straight face and nodded in agreement. That house back then was a lot of fun to build; even more to be a part of.

Needless to say, even Y/N didn't have fun with that. He could still hear Candace tease him for being a wimp.

Eff off, Candace.

Y/N: W-Well, how 'bout let's get some food? Maybe the town has a special place.

Just down the road, Rapunzel noticed a local diner. She took his hand and led him that way. The others followed behind and took a seat at a table by the window.

Waitress: Hello, everyone. Y'all here visiting?

Merida: You know it! Here to see how spooky it can get.

Y/N: A-Actually, just wanna see what Halloween's like.

Waitress: Well, if you're here just for the day, ya gotta check out The Headless Horseman tour.

??: Not a good idea, Molly. You know how treacherous that tour can get.

Molly: Oh, hush, Earl. You're gonna scare 'em off.

Earl: And for good reason! The Horseman's already chopped off three heads this week.

Y/N took some interest in their talk.

Y/N: Wait. He's....r-real?

Earl: That's right, son.

The older man spun around in his chair and eyed the group. He took a sip from his mug, then spoke again.

Earl: He's really real. Think that story's just that? No. It's all true.

Molly: Earl! Hush!

Earl: Ichabod's the most famous tale, but it wasn't enough. The Horseman has continued to kill. Day after day, year after year. And come Halloween, he'll be at it again. And much worse.

Y/N gulped. This whole time, he thought the story of The Headless Horseman was just that. But after this, it started to sound real.

Merida: Ah, c'mon. Belle herself said it's fake. Just a story.

Earl chuckled wryly before he finished his mug. The old man laid his money on the counter, then walked to the table.

Earl: I'm warning you all. You seek him out, it's the last thing you'll ever do.

He left the restaurant with the bell ringing above the door. Rapunzel was intrigued about what she heard. Merida was excited to see if it was real.

Phineas: Sounds like it could be fun. Just think: we see the tale come to life.

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