Chapter 2: College Life

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Tristan had kept an eye out for Paris and avoided her so many times. Rory, however, he had been unable to locate. She was gone as soon as class finished and I could never catch up. He saw her talking to a guy at the coffee cart and walked over behind her.

He stood behind her and listened to their conversation, "Leftovers are so nice. I enjoy the tips I make from bartending."

"That's good, Marty. I am going to the Pub after class. I want a cappuccino, plus their burgers and fries are so good."

"Are you going by yourself?"

"Yeah, unless you want to join. Paris is after a story, so she will probably be chasing people down for most of the night."

"I can't tonight; I have to work at a party. Have fun tho, and eat a burger for me." They both laughed.

"Hello, Mary."

Rory turned around, Hello, Tristan."

"So, the pub sounds great. How about I pick you up at six?"

"Oh, sorry, Marty, Tristan, and Tristan, Marty."

"Hello, nice to meet you, Marty."

"Um, yeah, nice to meet you as well. So, you call Rory Mary?"

"Yes, I do. We actually attended high school together, and Mary was my nickname for her. Isn't that right, Mary?"

"Annoyingly enough, Yes, he has always called me Mary. Just to inform you, I am still very much a Mary, Tristan. So, if you think by stalking me at the coffee carts, you will finally be able to say you got with me, not happening."

"Tristan placed his hand on his heart, "I am offended that you still think that about me. Rory, seriously, it has never been a game. Can we be friends, and maybe when you see that I am actually interested, then you can accept a date? I promise your virtue will stay intact until you are ready six months or four years from now. That is not what I am after."

"Seriously, you are willing to be my friend and if I decide to accept a date not push me to sleep with you. Tristan, why?"  

"Because I have always liked you from the first time I saw you sitting in class. It has never been about sleeping with you. That was never my goal or intention."

"Okay, pick me up at my dorm room. I'm in Durfee Hall, suite five. Friends, Tristan, no funny business."

"No funny business, promise. Now, place your order, and I am paying." They all ordered, Tristan took his coffee and walked off after he waved to them both.

"So, you went to high school with him?" Marty asked.

"Yes, He left our junior year because he got into some trouble and was sent to military school. I ran into him a couple of weeks ago, and today was the first time since then. Except he's in my Econ class.

"He seems very interested in you."

"Well, you heard him agree to just friends. Like you and I are just friends. You are the only guy I have ever seen naked when you passed out in front of my suite."

He laughed nervously, "You are never going to let me live that down. Yep, just friends. Well, I am going to head to class. I will catch you around, friend."

She went to class, and when she finished, she went to her room. She grabbed her shower stuff and went to the shower room.

She returned to her room, dried her hair, and curled it just a little. She put her jeans and shirt on and a little makeup. She slipped her shoes on when someone knocked on her door. She opened it, and there stood Tristan. He had also changed clothes. She grabbed her purse and jacket and left.

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