Chapter 3

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It was another 4 days till they made it to the city. Madison had never seen so many people in one place at a time. She didn't realize that she had her mouth open till Calvin said "shut your mouth you will catch bugs in it. Madison turned red embarrassed but then continued to look around. There was so much to look at but she felt like she didn't have enough time to take it all in. As she looked around and threw the crowd she saw a figure moving around. She shook it off as another person trying to get things done in the city.

Later when they were riding through the temple district she saw the same figure as from earlier. She forced on her and saw the figure pulled on her sleeve and when Madison saw the sign she inclined her head a little bit and the figure returned the favor.

They made it to the palace and Calvin called out "I am Calvin Courtney. I come with master Mason of Airedale. He is here to start his duty at court." They opened the gates and we went to one of the many courtyards. They dismounted and a servant with short brown hair and hazel eyes came and took the horses. He said "my name is Simon. And Jeffrey will be stabbing your horses." he called out "Jeffery!'' Another boy came out. He had dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. He took our bags. I was thinking he must be taking them to our rooms.

We followed Simon to the duke's study. In the room, there were shelves of books with a large oak desk in the middle of the room. With two chairs sitting in front of it. Behind the desk was a tall, lean man with dark brown hair and bright green eyes. It was Duke Morvay. He stood when they entered "please have a seat." he said pointing to the two chairs in front of his desk. Both Madison obeyed after they sat; the duke sat in his chair as well. He had his elbows on the edge of the desk and his hands clasped in front of him.

"So you are?"

"Mason Moningeon of Airedale. Sir."

"Airedale. . . Your father is Sir James is it not?"

"Yes, sir."

"We hope that you are as good as he was. Since he was to help see to your training. No?"

"Yes, sir."

"Do you ever say anything besides that?"


"I understand that you are being respectful but this is hardly like your family to be this polite. What is your opinion and tell me who Mason is." Madison was taken back a few moments. He wants me to be rude? Did father used to be rude? My opinion? Who am I? Ok then

She took a breath before she said "your grace even though it is not like our family to be polite but you have the upper authority and I have the lower authority so I am just going to answer the questions that you ask and be polite. Your grace." the duke smiled

The duke smiled a bit at Madison's response "You would have no idea how many boys would just go off talking and we have to restrain them to stop talking. It looks as if you already have the discipline of a soldier already. It will be interesting to see you go through training. But I will warn you life here is going to be hard and demanding most boys give up within a week. Don't get behind and you will do fine. Simon will show you to the palace tailor to get you your page uniform." he said pointing to Madison "and get you a guard uniform." he said pointing to Calvin. They got up and bowed and left.

Simon leads them to another door. Madison was shaking and her palms were damp. What if they found out that she was a girl even before she started. Luckily for her, the tailor just wrapped a knotted cord around her in a fast style. Then called out the number of knots it took to circle her to his assistant. After that, he sent his assistant to go into a back room to sort through clothes to find the ones that would match her size. While the assistant was doing that the tailor was wrapping the cord around Calvin in the same fashion.

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