The Festival of Love and Curry: Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Big Bro! Big Bro!" Yumoto cried. "Speak to me! Don't die!" Yumoto was in tears at the thought of losing his brother. "What are you doing, Caerula Adamas?! Go and defeat the Battle Lovers!" The green hedgehog demanded. "What's the point in fighting them, now?" Kinishiro asked. "What was that?" The hedgehog questioned. "Now that everything's been brought to light, all my talk of order rings completely hollow." Kinshiro looked defeated in more ways than one, his voice ringing with truth mixed with exhaustion. "To whom do you think I gave the power to rule the world?" The hedgehog asked or rather demanded. Kinishiro didn't have a reply for that, seemingly ashamed of his mannerisms and actions that led him down this path. The hedgehog huffed in annoyance. "If it comes to this, go to Plan B! Do it, Zun-chan!" Hireashi ordered, giving Zundar the go-ahead.

"Zundar Needles, activate!" Zundar hollered, the marking on his forehead glowing brighter than a star, along with the needles that he stabbed Gora with. "Big Bro?" Yumoto asked as Lucy pulled him away. "What's happening?" Lucy asked, knowing that something bad was about to occur. Gora screamed out in pain, as a black mist began to engulf his body. When it dissipated, Gora was wearing a black trench coat with gold buttons and trimming, black pants, black boots, a black mask that covered his nose and mouth, and a large hatchet that he was carrying on his back. "What happened to him?" Erza asked seemingly no one. "My name is Wood-Chopper Monster." He spoke in a terrifyingly low voice. "I will chop wood, and the world in two!" He yelled. "W-What did you say?!" The Battle Lovers shouted. "Okay, that's already the second "What did you say?!" of my life," En spoke. "He's become a monster?" Ibushi asked, "So, it wasn't our power doing that?" Akoya asked. Both felt a little foolish for not realizing it sooner.

"Why . . . " Yumoto trailed off as Gora got closer to him. "Why is my brother Gora . . . " Gora then raised his hatchet, ready to strike. "Chop!" He yelled and brought it down towards his brother who thankfully jumped out of the way before it got too close. "Stop it, Big Bro!" Yumoto told him, watching him once again point the hatchet towards the Battle Lovers. "He's more powerful than I gave him credit for," Lucy said. "That's Yumoto's brother for you," Ryuu sighed. "All that daily wood chopping wasn't just for show," Atsushi commented. "But how are we supposed to defeat him?" Lisanna asked. The Battle Lovers knew that even if all of them went up against him. Some would collapse from exhaustion, lose their life, or be drained of so much magic that it would be a miracle if they didn't get magic deficiency disease.

"A better question to ask is how the hell does he know how to fight like this?" Erza asked. She brought up a good point. If she was this worried about him defeating the Battle Lover, let alone her. I must've meant that he had some form of job that required fighting like this. "She actually noticed! Well done, well done!" Hireashi cheered. "Now, it's time for a nostalgic playback of old times!" The goldfish then snapped his fingers, revealing a sign that was made out of static, as if an invisible, large flat-screen TV was showing them this. It read "TV-UCHYU: TV Universe" on the screen: a television station. "Universal Calendar: 1/10/15," Hireashi began, "My employer, TV Universe, sent me, the skilled Hireashi, to be the director of a reality show: "Can I Destroy the Earth?" Hireashi was shown on the screen doing just that, flying towards the Earth in a miniature UFO. "There was a despicable, wicked Earthling. His name was Gora Hakone. That man vanquished all the monsters we sent, one after another. He had no consideration for how badly our viewers wanted to see the Earth conquered and destroyed, and no ability to read the mood! He made all of our plans come to nothing!" Hireashi screamed.

The screen then panned to Gora who was dressed in long, white pants, white sturdy boots, a double-breasted trench coat that was white on the outside, red on the inside, and had gold buttons and trimming, and was carrying the same large hatchet. He looked more like a charming prince going off to war until he swung that gigantic hatchet, defeating the monsters in one blow. To his side, there looked to be a large, bluebird that resembled a toucan that looked to be praising his victories. "Wait, so Gora was the previous generation of Battle Lovers?!" Lisanna squeaked. "Oh, now that you mention it," Yumoto began, "My brother would always sharpen his hatchet after I went to bed. I saw him go out somewhere after that, lots of times. I was too scared to ask where he was going, though." The other Battle Lovers looked either shocked or a bit scared. "Yeah, if I were in your shoes. I would've been silent, too," Juvia trembled at the meter thought.

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