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Dahlia POV

School. To most people, Hell. To me, it's my sanctuary. A place filled with infinite knowledge that I can use at my disposal. A place that I can thrive, where I can be myself and not have to worry about reputations or being seen. I could just be me, and be proud to be me. School was the one place I was encouraged to speak up and voice my opinions wherever necessary and possible. It was everything to me. At home I was invisible. I had no voice. No nothing. Sometimes I'm  convinced that they even forget that I exist. Actually scratch that, to them I DON'T exist. I don't know why I fool myself and think other wise why would I exist to them when my brother is the 'chosen one'. I my brother the perfect little boy compared to me the sarcastic little 'rebel'. I don't like my brother he is so arrogant all the time. Like, calm down just 'cause your the 'chosen one' doesn't mean everyone has to know. Not like anyone doesn't know it. I've never looked at my brother as the chosen one nor have I been grateful that he is my brother. I don't know what it is about that night that bugs me but something is wrong. Something just doesn't seem right. I know Voldemort is supposedly 'evil', but surely he can't be that evil. Right?

Currently, I'm sitting alone in my room with my thoughts going rampant, something I find myself doing more and more frequently these days. I hear the door open and voices enter the house. ' I wonder where they went?' I go downstairs to see my parents and brother with tons of new stuff, not like that was new though. I usually pay no mind to them when they go to the shops without me, however something caught my eye. Something that made my blood boil. My brother was carrying a trunk with the Hogwarts logo on the front. Hogwarts acceptance came today!! And they didn't tell me?! I was in such a state of shock that I completely blanked, staring at the trunk. I usually felt bad when they forgot me but this was a new level. They were jeopardising my future!! How dare they!! " Hogwarts acceptance came today and you didn't tell me!" I yell my frustration getting the better of me.

(just pretend that they come on a certain day guys it works better for my story :( sorry)

"Oh, honey I didn't see you there." My dad deadpans in my direction, " Yes, the letters came out today. And your brother got accepted isn't that wonderful." He then turns to my brother with a gleam of pride in his eyes. My heart breaks a bit more.

" Yes that's very good for harry but what of my letter did it come as well?" I'm starting to get a bit frustrated with them now, I need to know if I'm going to Hogwarts or not!

" Dahlia don't be rude." My mother scolds, " And no,  a Hogwarts letter didn't come for you, a wrongly sent Durmstrang letter was sent instead. But we made sure that it got sent back." I stare at her in shock. Anger and betrayal boil under my skin. Just as I was about to lash out at them two letters slide through the door one comes directly to me and the other to my parents. I Look to the envelope in my hands and I can't held the grin that took over my face. It was addressed to me. I look up and see my parents staring at me with a look on their faces that I couldn't quite place, and harry looking at me in jealousy. " I guess you need to go to diagon alley then." My father says not once looking me in the eyes," Theres floo powder near the fireplace I'm sure that you know how to get there." And there it is, the zero care look and indifferent tone I've come to know and loathe.

" I guess I'll get going then." I look up at them all and they've all moved onto fawning over harry's new owl. I sigh and make my way over to the fireplace and whisper," diagon alley." Not bothering to say goodbye to a family that so very clearly doesn't care about me and moving onto a next big step for me. I can't wait!

Rules are meant to be broken ( fem!harry )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें