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Chapter Two
Impossible Delivery
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❝Yup! The one and only.❞

LOUD BANGS COULD be heard all over the Flower Fruit Mountain, surprising the poor monkeys around. You landed on a hill with your hands behind your back, watching Mk landing on another hill not too far away from you. The poor kid looked so tired while you were just fine.

A smirk tugged on your lips before you held your hand out, motioning him to dash at you. Mk didn't waste time and leaped in the air toward you to land a strike. You yawned then pushed your hair back, disappearing from Mk's sight just as he was about to hit you with the staff. You appeared in the air and went to kick him, but he blocked your foot with the staff just in time. You chuckled upon seeing the confident smile on your successor's face, "Let's see what he can do." You thought and jumped off the staff, landing a few feet away from him. As a result of your jump, Mk was pushed back and almost fell of the cliff. However, he managed to hold himself and even launched forward to attack you again.

You smirked and dodged every single hit coming from him. When he jumped away, your tail wrapped around his ankle before he could touch the ground. You flew high up with him screaming and then threw him to your cave. You landed down after him with excitement, "Better. Way, way better. You're totally getting the hang of this, bud!" You exclaimed as you picked Mk up and spun him around then placed him down on his feet. Mk looked at you with sparkling eyes, "Aw really?" He asked, excitement evident on his face. Your ego kicked in and grinned, "I mean, it does make sense. You are getting trained by me. Now, we just gotta work on your focus." You proclaimed carelessly.

"Yeah, I am the best of focus— What do you mean, "work on my focus?!" I-I'm like No. 1 Focus Guy!"

"Ugh, if anyone is No. 1 Focus Guy, it's me."

Mk frowned and pulled his book out, "What?! Literally, your entire legacy is about you being impulsive and dodging responsibilities!" He exclaimed, stating some hurtful facts that you didn't actually care about one bit. You pulled out a bag of peach chips and munch on them, "That's where you are wrong." You protested and that's when Mk started to mention so many things about your past adventures. You moved and stopped him by placing a chip in his mouth, "See, that right there is the problem. You stressed too much about the negatives. Focus is taking in everything, but honing in only on the one thing that matters. Right now, I'm talking to you while also honing in the speed of the wind, the moisture in the air, these 37 emails for my lawyer, the first 18 seasons of Monkey Queen: The Animated Series. The inner resonance of my soul that contemplate the fact that I am an immortal being, who will never be able to die. And that bug right over there. But... I'm paying attention to you. Take in everything, choose what you want to do, and then do it. That is focus." You explained with so much pride.

Mk's eyes sparkled for a moment before he frowned, "That sounds... super confusing, and like you're just constantly distracted." He said that in a rather doubtful tone. You raised an eyebrow at him while staring at him with a deadpanned face, "Or maybe, you just can't handle real focus?" You remarked which made Mk go speechless for a few minutes.

"I-I can totally focus. I focus all the time! In fact, the very next thing I do, is gonna be the most focused thing ever!"

"We will see about that."


You were in the temple, waiting for your order to be delivered. You have been waiting for hours now that you started to think of putting a bad review on the restaurant you ordered from.

You were laying down and relaxing, "I wonder how Mk is doing, hope he is focusing." You mumbled while eating some chips. Just then, there was a knock on the temple door. You jumped up and went to the door, "Finally! I'm starving." You thought as you were about to open the door. However, the door was suddenly bursted and Mk ran in, "Pigsy's Noodles!The kid exclaimed in happiness. The wooden piece that slammed against you fell down and you smiled, "You finally made it." You said with your hand raised up. Mk's eyes widened in surprise when he saw you standing there, "Monkey Queen? Wait. This was all a lesson to see if I could focus!" He gasped upon realizing why you have ordered the noodles which in fact wasn't the real reason he thought of.

For a moment, you took a moment to process what he had just said, "Uh... yes! I wanted to teach you a valuable lesson. I definitely didn't just order three helpings of noodles to my shame temple." You stated then let out a cough, averting your gaze away. Mk got really excited and started to ramble, "You were right. I really was, honestly, terrible at focusing. But then..." The kid went on and on, telling you about his small adventure to your temple. You ignored him and grabbed the plastic bag from his hands, "I'm just gonna take those off ya." You said as you looked at his contents.

"I paid attention to everything, but I only focused on one thing: delivering... your... noodles!"

Mk finished with pride and you smiled at him, "That's great, bud. I'm proud of ya. But... this isn't my order."


You walked toward him and wrapped your arm over his shoulders, "Look to the bright side, you handled real focus. Come on, let's eat my not-ordered food." You said, trying to cheer him up. The young boy smiled and followed you, "Alright, but you will teach more mystic monkey stuff."

"Sure, let's just relax for now."

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