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"I mean, don't get me wrong."

A female voice brought the blonde back into reality, he shifted a bit in the bathtub- as to not suffocate.
Turning his head into the direction of the voice, he was met with a familiar face.

The girl opened up an eyeliner, and continued doing her make up.

"He is kinda hot, but Koji's a fucked up guy."

Takemichi snorted at that, stretching a bit- and splashing some water in the process.

"You're saying this as if I don't know that already, Natalya."
Pulling out his hand towards her, to which she handed him a cigarette and a cheetah patterned lighter.

The girl then snickered, moving onto the second eye.

"I don't get what's up with you, and your weird obsession over shitty guy's."

Natalya's russian accent spoke clear thru, even while using japanese.

The blonde barked a laugh at that, choking slightly on the smoke in his lungs.

"I know damn well that you out of all people, isn't Talking 'bout shitty guy's."

The ruby hair colored female let out a fake offended gasp, putting a hand over her chest.

Causing them to both snicker in Union.

"Alright, for Real now tho. You should cut him the fuck off already."

Hanagaki didn't say anything, taking slow and heavy drags from his cigarette.

"You're too hot for him anyway."

He snorted a bit, she was always so blunt about everything. One of the many reasons he liked her so much.
- not romantically -

"I'll give it more thought later."

Putting out the finished cancer stick on the edge of the white bathtub, he stood up And grabbed the towel from where it layed, on the toilet bowl.

"Uh-huh, and when will that be?"

"After we go to that damn jewlery shop, and get it over with."

The girl visibly brightened up at the reminder, a smug smirk on her face.

"Man, i'm so pumped about this necklace. I can already feel the twist in my stomach, just thinking about it."

She bit her light pink lips, while the blonde rolled his eyes at that, more then used to this kind of behavior.

"Mhm, don't go squirting all over the floor now, Princess."

To which he got an eye roll from the girl, who simply continued applying lip gloss.

Hanagaki dried himself off with the towel, making sure to not touch his already irritated open wounds- on his wrists, i'd be a Real pain in the ass if they started bleeding again.

Running a hand thru his now partly dried hair, he looks over to his friend, and eyes the mini skirt she has on. Before snorting Upon noticing the stains on the back.

"You might wanna change that whore skirt of your's."

Natalya looks at him thru the mirror raising an eyebrow.

"It got stains from last night."

He snorted, when she immedietely turned around and grabbed the bottom of it from the back.

"You fuckin' ass! I told you to watch where you cum, fuck's sake!"

"Sorrryyy, was so shit faced i didn't even realise."

Natalya only shook her head while sighing, before taking the skirt off and throwing it in the corner somewhere.
Now only in some black panties and ripped tights, basically the usual.

"You so own me that damn necklace now, fucker."

"Yeah yeah, i'll get it for you stop whining."

He said while putting on some pants and a belt, considering he's skinny as fuck and they keep falling off.
Throwing in a shirt as well, and slightly grimacing when the material pulls onto his newly done nipple piercings.

Grabbing his wallet, phone and the most important of all, his cigarettes, the blonde throws his friend another mini skirt- this one being cum-free -
Before leaving the bathroom and wait until she's done.

Which, will take a bit more time considering she still needs to fix some shit up- so he pulls out his flip Phone, and can't help but groan in annoyance at how slow it takes for it to open properly. As much as the future fucking sucks seemingly everytime, at least the internet and well, most shit Is far better.
Not the damn prices tho, that is just straight up robbery.

Takemichi opens up the chat with Shi, and thinks over how to mess with him this time- and smirks once he gets an idea.

Lowering the Phone, he pulls down his pants and boxer just enough to let his cock free- before snapping a quick photo and sending it to him

*You attached one photo*

- boring as hell in here without your hot mouth

- damnnn
- don't make me pop up boners during a meeting Chiii~

Takemichi snorted at that, and send out some more dumb shit. Before finally hearing Natalya exit the bathroom, to which he pockets his Phone.

"Alright let's get goin', and grab a drink on the way."

The blonde rolls his eyes at her.

"I'll pass, been drinking too much for even my liking these past few days."

"Damn, the Takemichi refusing a drink? You sure you're feeling ok?"

He simply flips her off while she chukles, and walks out of the door.


Yooo guess whos not deaddd.

Uhh idk im just gonna say that i am wayyyy more focused on ao3 rn and most likealy will be soooo yeah :3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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