Season 1 Episode 1

105 36 25

Rex: ( sleeping on the couch) 😴

Mrs. Randerson: Rex wake up, have you forgotten we are moving to our new house today, hope you've packed.

Rex: ( yawns ) you never told me.

Mrs. Randerson: Seriously. 

{ Flashback }.

Mrs. Randerson: Rex we're moving to New york, you are supposed to be packed before then.

Rex: ( playing games on his phone ) ok mum.

(Later that day....)

Mrs. Randerson: Rex hope you've packed.

Rex: No, but I promise I'll pack before 3pm.

Mrs. Randerson: The time is 12:05 pm you have 3 hours to pack your things. If you don't pack before then, you would be grounded for a week.

{ End of flashback)

Rex: So am I going to be grounded.

Mrs. Randerson: Yes you are, but finish packing, when we get to our new house you will be grounded.

Mr. Randerson: I think that is a good punishment for him.

Mrs. Randerson: Thanks.

Rex: (Thinks: Whatever)

(Later that day.....)

Mrs. Randerson: The taxi has arrived, Rex come downstairs, we are waiting for you.

Rex: Coming mum (Comes downstairs)

Mrs. Randerson: Hope you've packed.

Rex: Yes, I've packed.

{In the taxi}

Mrs. Randerson: Rex see the picture of our new house.

Rex: Not bad.

Mr. Randerson: If it is not bad does that mean it is not good.

Rex: No, what I mean is it's okay.

Mr. Randerson: (Thinks: Kids this days)

Rex: Are we almost there.

Taxi driver: Be quiet, we would soon be there.

Rex: (Thinks: Geez man)

(After some hours)

Mr. Randerson: We are there.

Rex: Finally, cos I need to use the restroom.

Mrs. Randerson: Stick with us Rex, we don't want to lose you.

Rex: (Thinks: Looks like I won't be using the restroom) 

(A man approaches them)

Mr. Randerson: Oh, are you the man who sold the new house to us, Mr. Nicholas.

Mr. Nicholas: Oh, yes are you the Randerson's

Mr. Randerson: Yes sir.

Mr. Nicholas: Yes sir, come with me.

(They follow Mr. Nicholas when suddenly they hear a loud sound)


Mr. Nicholas: What was that.


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