The Beginning

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Golf Ball: So, how's the new leadership going?

Basketball: Better than you'd expect, GB, everyone is now showing respect to me instead of you.

Grassy: What about Grassy?

Basketball: Yes, and you too Grassy.

Golf Ball [holding the Football puppet]: Go Basketball!

Golf Ball: No, don't go Basketball!

[cuts to Barf Bag]

Barf Bag: Can I call one of the old hosts?

Donut: Try it!

[Barf Bag calls Four]

Four [on the phone]: Hello whoever's calling, it's Four! (YEAH!) For more information, please leave a message after the tone.

Barf Bag: No use.

Donut: Maybe it's because we are in England.

Barf Bag: England?

Donut: Yes, England.

Barf Bag: What's that?

Donut: It's the constituent country what Blackpool is located in.

Barf Bag: Oh! It's so great to be on a team with you!

[cuts to Bracelety]

Bracelety: Let's help Ice Cube!

Ice Cube: Yeah!

Saw: Let's give her a gr-EIGHT box of respect!

Gaty: I'll get it!

Gaty: Now where could it be?

Woody: Wah-wah-wah-wah-wah!

Gaty: Woody? You know where it is?

[Woody points at the box]

Gaty: You found it! Let's give it to Ice Cube!

Woody: Yay!

Gaty: Here you go Icy!

Ice Cube: Hooray! Thank you everyone!

Gaty: You're welcome!

[cuts to Bottle]

Bottle: I'm so excited to start preventing death!

[Pillow smashes Bottle]

Tree: Why didn't we stop that from happening?

Pen: Suck her up, Black Hole!

Black Hole: But it's nearly Cake at Stake!

Pen: You have a point, mate.

Battle for Blackpool Tower Episode 5Where stories live. Discover now