Chapter 17

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As the food arrived, Abhimaan insisted on serving it, showing his thoughtfulness. He set the table while Aradhyaa searched for a movie they could watch.

Aradhyaa: "So, any preferences for the movie tonight?"

Abhimaan: "Hmm, how about a classic romantic film? I think that would be perfect for the mood."

Aradhyaa: "Sounds great! Let me find something for us. And what do you think about the food?"

Abhimaan: "It's delicious, Aradhyaa. You were right about this place. I'm glad you brought me here."

Aradhyaa: "I knew you'd love it. It's not always about fancy restaurants; sometimes, the best food can be found at the simplest places."

Abhimaan: "You have a way of making ordinary things extraordinary, Lavender."

Aradhyaa blushed at the nickname, a playful smile dancing on her lips. They continued their dinner, sharing stories and laughter, They shared light banter about their movie preferences, and soon, they were enjoying a warm meal together in the comfort of her home, surrounded by the warmth of their blossoming relationship.

While Abhimaan was away for a work call, Aradhyaa took a few moments to set up for their movie night. She carefully dimmed the room's lights, creating a cozy ambiance. Her fairy lights, gently twinkling, added a touch of magic to the room.

She selected a few movie options on her streaming platform, placing the remote control nearby for easy access. With the screen ready to go, she fluffed up the pillows and arranged a soft, warm comforter on the couch, creating a comfortable and inviting space.

Aradhyaa wanted their movie night to be as enjoyable as possible, so she brought out a tray of snacks to munch on later. It held an assortment of treats like popcorn, chocolate, and some freshly sliced fruits, ensuring they had a little bit of everything to satisfy their cravings during the movie. With the room perfectly set and snacks at the ready, Aradhyaa was looking forward to the wonderful night they were about to share.

Aradhyaa wanted everything to be perfect for their special night together. The anticipation of sharing this cozy movie time with Abhimaan filled her with joy, and she couldn't wait for him to return and enjoy the evening with her.

As the movie played and the fairy lights cast a soft, warm glow around them, Aradhyaa snuggled beneath the comforter, feeling content and grateful. She watched Abhimaan, who was constantly holding her hands and was kissing it time to time along with some forehead kisses.

In that moment, she couldn't help but reflect on how special this night was turning out to be. Having Abhimaan in her room, sharing a meal and watching a movie together, made her heart swell with happiness. She had secretly wished for a moment like this ever since they had confessed their feelings.

The fact that he had agreed to stay late, even though it was a workday, and was considerate enough to serve the food and make the evening perfect, touched her deeply. It was a reminder of his affection and care for her.

She snuggled further into the comforter, she hoped this cozy movie night would become one of the many beautiful moments they would share in the journey of their budding love story.

With the cozy movie night in full swing, Aradhyaa couldn't help but think ahead to the weekend. She turned to Abhimaan and said, "You know, we both have Saturday off. How about we plan a day out? Maybe explore the city, have a nice lunch, and just enjoy the day together."

Abhimaan smiled warmly at the idea. "That sounds like a perfect plan, Lavender. I'd love to spend a whole day with you, exploring and making more memories together."

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