Chapter 14

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Are yaar As the garba night continued, the dance floor remained the focal point of the festivities. Abhimaan and Aradhyaa had shared an electrifying dance, but their unspoken feelings hung heavy in the air. The time had come for Abhimaan to gather the courage and confess his love to Aradhyaa.

Feeling a renewed determination, Abhimaan approached Aradhyaa as the next round of garba began. He extended his hand and asked, "Aradhyaa, would you like to dance with me again?"

Aradhyaa, who had been eagerly waiting for another chance to dance with Abhimaan, smiled brightly and replied, "I'd love to, sir."

They joined the circle of dancers, and as the music started, they began to move to the traditional beats of the garba. The atmosphere was charged with energy and excitement, but Abhimaan's focus was solely on the woman in his arms.

As they twirled and danced, their eyes locked, and Abhimaan couldn't hold back any longer. With a hint of nervousness but a heart full of love, he began to speak,

"Aradhyaa, the fire of my love for you burns hotter than a thousand suns, and it consumes me, body and soul. Every moment without you is an eternity of torment, and every moment with you is a glimpse of heaven. My heart beats only for you, and my every thought is a prayer for your happiness. I am consumed by a love so intense that it threatens to set my world ablaze. You are the passion in my veins, the burning desire in my soul. I need you, not as a want, but as a desperate, insatiable need.

Aradhyaa, when I look into your eyes, I see a universe of passion, desire, and a love that's so fierce it could consume us both. Every breath I take is a reminder of your presence in my life, and every heartbeat echoes your name. My love for you is a tempest, a raging storm that no force on Earth can contain. It's an all-encompassing, maddeningly intense yearning that defies reason and logic. Your absence is a pain that sears my very soul, and your touch is an inferno that ignites my deepest desires. Aradhyaa, I am yours, utterly and completely, bound by a love so intense it defies the boundaries of this world. Will you accept my passionate heart and become one with the inferno of our love, forever?" 🔥💖🌪️

Aradhyaa was momentarily stunned, her heart racing at Abhimaan's heartfelt confession. She looked deep into his eyes, and her voice trembled as she responded,

"Abhimaan, I... I didn't know what to expect, but I can't deny that I feel a strong connection with you. Your love is a beacon in my life, and I've been waiting for you to say those words. I love you too."

The music and dance continued around them, but in that moment, Abhimaan and Aradhyaa were lost in each other's arms. They had finally confessed their love, and the bond between them had deepened. The world seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them, united by their love.

The unspoken tension that had lingered throughout the garba night had given way to a new chapter in their love story. Abhimaan and Aradhyaa's connection had grown stronger, and they were now a couple, ready to face the world together.

Aarav and Tulika, who had also been dancing together, shared a knowing look. Aarav had witnessed Abhimaan's face and Aradhyaa's glow and he concluded that the confession deed is done and was thrilled that his best friend had found happiness. He looked at Tulika and saw the sparkle in her eyes, a reflection of the happiness they were both feeling.

The garba night continued with newfound joy and enthusiasm. Abhimaan and Aradhyaa, along with Aarav and Tulika, danced and celebrated their love, surrounded by the vibrant colors and traditional music.

As the night came to a close, Abhimaan and Aradhyaa were hand in hand, ready to face a future filled with love and happiness. The garba celebration had not only brought them closer but had also marked the beginning of a beautiful love story that would continue to flourish.

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