"So, we meet again Houki Shinonono, for the last time!" Madoka saids as she rises up from the center of the platform.

Of course, Houki isn't going down without a fight. "Not today Madoka!"

Madoka starts shooting lasers with her drones, but Houki dodges them using the miniature platforms from earlier, she she throws it a Madoka distracting her for a second to get a better spot to aim at her.

But just as Houki was about to throw one of her katanas at Madoka, Madoka fired her drones that quite literally blast Houki's torso and upper body into dust leaving Madoka chuckling evily.


"Oh No! No, no no no no no!" Xenophanes cried.

"Oh, you almost had her." Houki commented.

Xenophanes has been trying to beat this part of the game for over a week now. He really thought that this time he would succeed.

"I'm never gonna defeat Madoka!" Xenophanes stomps in frustration.

"Sure you will Xenophanes, in fact you're a better Houki than I am." Houki smiles.

"But my brain is a slow processor! I don't know when she will fire or not!" Xenophanes said.

Both of them then hear rattling for the other side of the room. They then see Titana going around the shelf, looking for something.

"Where is it? Where is it?" Titana asked.

Xenophanes and Houki were kinda concerned about her.

"Uh, Titana?" Houki asked.

"Huh?" Titana asked until hitting on the shelves on her head. 

She then falls to the ground from the shelf to shelf. The two flinched at this.

"Hang on, knight!" Houki said. Houki then parkours her way down to the floor and then goes to Titana to help her up.

"Titana, are you all right?" Houki asked.

"Oh. Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine, Houki, thank you. Okay. Here's your list of things to do while I'm gone. Batteries need to be changed. Toys in the bottom of the chest need to be rotated. Oh, and make sure everyone attends Andromon's seminar on what to do if you or a part of you is swallowed. Okay? Okay. Good. Okay." Titana said, giving a list for Houki.

"Titana, you haven't found your sword yet, have you?" Houki asked.

"NO! And Ash's leaving for knight camp any minute, and I can't find it anywhere!" Titana exclaimed.

Titana is determined to get ready and be perfect when it's time to go with Ash.

"Don't worry, Titana. In just a few hours, you'll be sitting around a campfire with Ash making delicious, hot 'sch'moes.'" Houki said, trying to cheer Titana up.

Titana looked at Houki, knowing that she said s'mores wrong.

"They're called s'mores, Houki." Titana said, correcting her.

"Right. Right. Of course. Has anyone found Titana's sword yet?" Houki asked the other toys.

The other toys were helping Titana out to find her sword as soon as possible.

"Keep looking, men. Dig deeper! Negatory. Still searching." Dreadwing said on top of the chest.

Meanwhile, Carol was signaling the gnome outside.

"The lawn gnome next door says it's not in the yard, but he'll keep lookin'." Carol said.

The door opens to show Milla, Lilac and Neera Li that Ash got Christmas comes inside the room.

Titana's Toy Story 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें