XX. Everyone For Themselves

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The feeling of blood dripping down my neck and into the back of my clothes keeps me on edge as I make my way through the forest, footsteps rustling softly in the night.

Alone this time.

Carter had turned back to base, prepared to deliver the news that I'd met an untimely end in an unexpected fight, while I'm currently searching my way back to Soap.

The forest's eerie silence surrounds me, broken only by the distant hoot of an owl. I walk on, my mind consumed by the events of the evening. The mission had been a success, the chip in my neck now disabled.

It was a step toward my goal, but the lingering pain and fatigue weighed me down.

Adding to that, we still weren't sure if Canmoore would believe the whole ordeal..

In the distance, I spot the headlights of a car, the low hum of its engine resonating through the night. A wave of relief washes over me as I realize it must be Soap and Price waiting for my return. With slow, weary steps, I approach the vehicle, growing more fatigued by the second.

The car door opens, and Soap steps out, his expression a mix of relief and concern. His eyes widen in alarm as he takes in my blood-soaked clothes. "Jesus, are you okay?"

I manage a nod, despite the pain radiating from my wound, but it's clear that my expression tells on me.

Soap's eyes scan me, assessing the situation. "We need to clean this up when we get back."

Price, seated in the driver's seat, turns to me with a nod. "You can sit up front if you want."

I hesitate for a moment, not wanting them to feel sorry for me.

I've always loathed the pity that others cast my way, even if I was injured or in pain.

It's stupid. Faked. It's everyone for themselves in this world, and you'd be stupid to believe anything but that.

But the exhaustion wins out, and I accept Price's offer. I slide into the front passenger seat, keeping my face stoic, purposefully avoiding eye contact with Price. The silence is a welcomed respite.

He starts the engine, and the car pulls away from the forest. The familiar rumble of the engine is a soothing backdrop to my racing thoughts.

I close my eyes, the pain in my neck a persistent reminder of my vulnerability. The rhythmic hum of the car's engine lulls me into a drowsy state, and as the landscape blurs by, I can't help but let my guard down.

"You in pain?" Price mumbles from my side, his voice somewhat faded into the background.

"No. Don't pity me," I mumble, my voice heavy with exhaustion. "I'm fine. Just... tired."

The car's vibrations and the monotonous road gradually ease me into a deep slumber. Images and memories of Canmoore's base flicker through my mind, and I can't help but replay the moments that have brought me to this point.

The rough ride causes my head to sway gently against the cold window, and I surrender to the soothing embrace of sleep, a brief respite from the shadows of this world.


I gradually come to, my senses returning as I emerge from a haze of drowsiness. The swaying motion beneath me and the warmth touching my skin alert me to the fact that I'm not in the car anymore.

Confused, I open my eyes, and my vision clears enough to show me that I'm being held in Soap's arms.

Immediately, all of my muscles tense up, and my initial instinct is to demand that he put me down, but my voice barely escapes my parched lips. "Let me go," I manage to murmur, my words barely more than a whisper.

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