Chapter 2 Sticking it in crazy (18+)

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"You're late!"

The loud voice of Tenya Iida exclaimed as he chopped the air in front of, none other than, Y/n. "I was late? Yeah, I get the haha funny irony..." Y/n didn't bother looking at Tenya and completely ignored him with the most uninterested gaze ever imagined. "Are you even listening to me!?" "Oh, yeah... I'm supposed to play the hero... urgh... y'know.... Last night I thought I had a conscious... so I went and kicked a puppy... felt nothing! I did take myself back in time before I kicked the puppy so I didn't ACTUALLY kick the puppy but I did"  A bead of sweat started rolling down Tenya's forehead whilst Y/n was too immersed in talking to himself inside his head rather than answer or take his eyes off of Tenya. "His gaze is burying into my soul!!" Tenya nervously thought to himself and the two stood in awkward silence until, "Y/n! Over here!"

Momo called out to Y/n with her hand raised, getting his attention. Y/n pushed Tenya out of the way and walked over to the seat next to Momo's and sat down. Momo gave awkward glances to Y/n with a blush on her face, a few minutes later and when Tenya started shouting at other new even later comers Momo leaned closer to Y/n. "Psst... Y/n..." Y/n turned his gaze away from the chalk board to look at Momo, trying his hardest to not look at her tits while she was leaned for- and he failed but fixed his gaze back on Momo's eyes. "Yeah?" Y/n quietly asked and Momo seemed to shuffle in her seat a bit. "I uhm... I know we haven't really talked since... the entrance exams..." "yeah... not much time to talk after going to sleep..." Y/n thought to himself as Momo continued. "But I tried to reach you over the summer...! And... I couldn't..." Momo looked at Y/n waiting for a response. "Aaahh... shit... Right... I used my quirk to skip summer... why? I didn't feel like sitting around and doing fuck all!"

"Right... I'm sorry... Momo..." Y/n whispered and Momo stared as if waiting for more of an answer. "I've been... busy! I mean, my mom... yeah, my mom... was incredibly worried when I became a hero...! In training...! Studying....? Hero student...-? Ah whatever...! And... suffered a heart attack...!" Y/n bullshitted through his teeth and Momo straightened her back with a guilty look whilst Izuku started fanboying over a caterpilla- over Shota Aizawa, sitting in his yellow sleeping bag. "I... I didn't know..." Y/n gently placed his hand on Momo's thigh with a smile. "It's alright...! She's... fine now...!" Momo seemed to be comforted by this and Y/n returned to his original sitting position, immediately getting thrown gym clothes hitting his face. "Alright, loverboy! Time to go!" The gym clothes hung on Y/n's face and as he removed them he saw Ryuji. "I'll be your substitute! Hope that doesn't bother ya..." Ryuji stated and it bothered the hell out of Y/n.

'Son of a...' Y/n stood with everyone else, wearing a blue tracksuit listening to Aizawa explain how, if you get last place, you get expelled. "Bitch..." Y/n mumbled, this meant he couldn't skip ahead in time because it would mean he wasn't present and would automatically get last and get expelled and with Ryuji around he couldn't manipulate time into this never being a thing because then Ryuji would get suspicious and do the smart thing of killing a person with a godly quirk like complete time manipulation. "Say something...?" Aizawa asked, turning to look at Y/n with his tired gaze. "Just... thinking to myself" "abou-" "Unacceptable! You should be focusing on class and what you're being taught! Are you even aware that the lowest ranked here gets expel-" Tenya shouted in his typical fashion but Y/n interrupted. "Yeah! Yeah! I'm aware! I'm just thinking of how to use my quirk!" Aizawa's question of what Y/n was thinking to himself about was interrupted and now promptly answered.

"Kids these days..." Ryuji muttered as Y/n's gaze fell on Aizawa. 'Eraserhead... The quirk to cancel quirks... same as Ryuji's nullification but worse... with Ryuji he has to come into physical contact with you and can only turn one quirk off at a time... with Aizawa though... he just has to look at you... then again it strains his eyes and only works when he's looking at you... Ryuji's is constant until he nullifies someone else or falls unconscious for even a second... sleep included... a perfect match these two...' Y/n though to himself and the first student was up to throw a ball, Y/n and Momo shared a look before Y/n focused on the other students wanting to learn their quirks. When any of the girls came up Y/n's wondering gaze wondered anywhere and everywhere instead of their quirks, getting him light jabs from Momo which helped him to focus on their quirks... somewhat.

MHA/BNHA x Male reader: a man never out of time (18+)Where stories live. Discover now