Chapter 26 - Thinking aloud

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I lay down in the grass near our training area. Penguin had let me skip some duties.. after seeing me not doing them. 

"You can't be depressed forever, you know. You need a plan to lead", Hurry had tried to comfort me but she didn't succeed.

"Buzz off", I just snarled.

"Hey, that's not too nice. Hurry tried her best!" Breezy defended Hurry.

"Leave me alone!" I growled under my breath.

"Garnet, calm down. You're just shocked. We all are", Gold made me lose it all.

"Oh? You're shocked, are you? 'Cause it sure don't look like it! You're acting like seeing your friend get brutally murdered by the goverment is an every-day thing! It seems as though you didn't even like Glass Heart!" I snapped.

"Well, some of us didn't", Imposter scoffed.

I looked at Hurry: "Well.. it's kind of complicated", she muttered.

Then at Breezy: "I didn't even know he was in Penguin's training group in the first place!"

Then finally at Gold: "I'll just say that I'm grateful that he saved me, but he could've handled things differently when he was alive"

I glared at all of them, "Oh, I see how it is. I guess we're just going to throw Glass Heart's memory out the window like it never happened! You're all disgusting", I took off and flung at some random direction, far away from the others.

"Those stupid idiots. They never even liked Glass Heart! I should just go handle the war thing all by myself!" I mumbled mid-air.

"Hey, kid! What'chya doin' up here?" I heard Eclipse Moon's voice.

"Oh, hi Eclipse", I turned to look at her.

"Eclipse Moon, anyway",

"Right. Um, did you hear what happened to Glass Heart?"

"No.. did something happen?"

"Well.." I explained how the guards had took Glass Heart and killed him right on the spot.

"They what? I've known King Blade Fangs for quite some time now, but I never thought he could be capable of something so cruel.. after imprisoning a hatchling!" Eclipse Moon had a kind of fake sad expression, but I didn't say anything about it. 

"Exactly! And those heartless freaks have told me that they didn't even like Glass Heart! Breezy didn't even know he was in our training group!" I explained the conversations.

"I see.. What are you going to do next? You still need to lead your group to.. do whatever it is that helps stop the war", 

"I'm not sure.. I wasn't sure that plan would even work. How am I going to think of a new one?"

"Maybe calm down first. Let's land so you can have your head up in the clouds, instead of your body", we landed softly on a plant of prickly grass.

"Right. I'll get my thoughts in order before doing anything stupid.. Thanks, Eclipse Moon", I thanked her and she went on her way.

I lay down on the grass in. I let the warm sun light warm me up so I could think. 


I'm not sure how long I had layed there but the sun was starting to set. 

"How long have I been here? The others must be worried!" I took off on the spot. I hadn't really thought of anything. Mostly just repeating the same few words in my head: Don't think about Glass Heart.

I landed in front of the training area and knocked on the door that led to the camp. 

"Hey? Anyone home?" I asked. No one answered.

I knocked again, nothing. 

I took off and landed inside the training hall, because it's just walls without a roof. 

The area was empty. No dragon in sight. Just foot prints and claw-marks that probably came from training.

The weapons had been left neatly in their place. Where ever the others had gone, they hadn't been in a hurry. 

I shrugged my shoulders and headed toward the door that led to the bedrooms. The door was locked, which was strange because I wasn't even aware that the door had a lock. 

"Hi, Garnet! You came back", I turned my head and saw Imposter. Where did she come from?

"Hi, Imposter. Um, where is everyone else?"

"We moved training camps for some reason. I didn't really pay attention. We moved to Kals' Tarining camp", 

"Isn't Kals' camp near the war zone? Why would they move inexperienced trainees there?"

"Penguin said something about a higher order or something. Like I said, I didn't really listen. Penguin told me to stay behind so when you come back I can escort you there", 

"I know where Kals' camp is. Penguin could've just told me", I scoffed.

"He got the order shortly after you left. This place is empty right now. Come on, we need to go so we can both get some sleep", we left right then. I was still wondering why someone from the goverment would ask trainees to be moved so close to a war zone. Higher order usually means govermental figures, you see.

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