dino nuggies

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Yoojung was humming as he was heating up dino nuggies for Kb.

KB was sat at the table, holding his bunny plush.

Yoojung smiles and boops Kb's nose as he squealed.

He puts the chicken in the table and serves some to a little kb who's been patiently waiting.

KB picks one up and dips it in ketchup taking a bite, as Yoojung calls the rest of the members.

He puts the others dinner on the table.

"I made the rest of the dino nuggies, so if you guys want any you can have some."

KB watches Nine reach for a dino nuggie, he makes a :O face and gives nine ketchup to dip it in.

Nine awes and gently pats Kb's head. "Thankyou Kyubinnie"

KB giggles and noms on the rest of his dino nuggies that Yoojung put on his plate.

Yoojung gently sets down a cup of apple juice by KB.

he sits down and eats a dino nuggie, getting back up quickly to turn off the oven and stove top, he gently sits back down and is immediately booped on the cheek a little kb who was giving another dino nuggie to him.

"Aww thank you Kyubinnie." Yoojung said, taking the dino nuggie and biting into it.

KB smiles sips his apple juice, while looking at Rie and Junji discussing something.

Rie and Junji both smile at him and give a little wave.

KB giggles.

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