Day with Junji & little nine

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After running errands, Junji rests kb on his hip.

little nine follows behind still making funny faces at little kb who was getting fussy from the stuffy weather.

Junji reaches into the kb bag and pulls out his sippy cup with a bird on it, kb sips from his sippy cup, while he looks at nine.

Junji hums softly as he walks to the pharmacy area to get kb his cough drops and medication.

nine got out his little yellow coin purse and looked at how much a new sippy cup was, as Kb's was leaking.

he saw one was $5, he sets the cup on the counter and counts out $6 of quarters.

The lady behind the counter, takes the quarters, and gives nine a receipt.

nine smiles and the lady puts the sippy cup in a bag.

nine thanks the lady and goes to find Junji.

Junji looks at the price of a new air purifier.

he clicks his tongue, as it's kinda pricey.

kb gets set on his feet and he puts his empty sippy cup back in the KB bag.

nine puts the sippy cup he paid for in his backpack that he brought from the dorm.

Nine holds Kb's hand, as they waited for Junji.

Junji sighs softly and picks up the air humidifier, and puts it in the cart. "you both need a humidifier, but they're expensive..."

nine and kb yawn, as it was getting close to dinner time.

Love messages Junji.

"Junji! it's getting late! please hurry back!"

"okay okay." Junji sent back.

After Junji pays for the different items

He walks back to the dorm, carrying a sleeping kb.

Nine runs up the stairs into the dorm.

"mommy love!!!"

Love rushes over.

"I bought kb a new sippy cup!!!"

Love smiles "may I see it?"

nine gets it out and shows it to him.

Love smiles "Awww! he's going to love it, Wookjin."

Junji brings in the items and sets them on the table.

love awes at kb fast asleep.

Love works on dinner with Yoojung.

Well, Yoojung was stuck on the couch, holding a sleeping kb, so he doesn't fall off.

Yoojung smiles softly at kb, who's breathing softly against him.

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