Other Duties as Assigned..

599 6 0

Present  (Nashville, Tennessee)


I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off on my phone. Reaching over I unplug it from the charger and shut off the alarm. I know I need to get up and get ready however, this week has been so long and it is only Wednesday so I need to mentally prepare first before I get up. Unlocking my phone, I open Instagram and scroll through my feed looking to see if there are any new engagements and pregnancy announcements because that is all that shows up on my feed nowadays. It is so strange to me that everyone I know is at such different phases of our lives in our 20s. However, enough with my deep morning thoughts. I open up TikTok and have 10 new videos that were shared with me. 8 out of the 10 videos came from Kaylee. Once I'm all caught up on TikTok it is time to get up and get ready for work.

The drive to the stadium isn't terrible this morning from our house it is only around 25 minutes and I lucked out and got a decent parking spot too. I walk into work at 9:45 a.m. and it looks like everyone had the same idea to show up early today. I drop my backpack off at my desk and go pour a cup of coffee for myself. I add creamer then head to my boss James' office to see what I would be doing today. My guess is the graphics for the games we have this weekend for our socials. I get to James' office and the light is off I turn to look to see if he is elsewhere in the office. "He is out sick today so Greg asked for me to send you to his office so he can fill you in on everything," I look at Emma the events intern then nod. I go back to my desk set my coffee down and grab my notepad before heading to our GM Greg's office.

Greg is typing on his computer so I knock on the door and he motions me to come in. I walk in and have a seat. "So, James is sick so he won't be here the remainder of the week so I need you to step up and show some leadership in the marketing department. These three games need to be treated with the same if not higher priority that our games are. So, with that being said you will be doing everything that James would normally do along with your normal responsibilities." I nod and he hands me a list of everything that needs to be done. I stand up, "Oh and Maia some of the staff and players will be arriving today so I need you to show them around the facilities. It will be more like a refresher for them since they have already been here before." "Sounds perfect, I will ensure my afternoon is available to assist them however they need." He nods and I walk back out to my desk and lay my head down. Why does James have to be sick this it would be fine if it was just a Sounds game, but the team is on the road this and the Savannah Bananas are coming to town so we are going to have a packed ballpark all weekend. We hosted the Bananas last year like Greg said, but that was before I started interning with Sounds so all I know is it went well but they want to ensure that this time round goes off just as well if not better.

I spent most of my morning creating graphics for our socials, then emailed our media partners about their media passes and instructions on how to pick them up. From there I went to the press box and start getting everything ready so that once their staff arrived everything is ready to go for them to use. As I finished, I went down to the concourse to unlock the marketing room for them as I come back out, I see a bunch of people walk into the stadium carrying equipment, perfect timing. I put on the biggest smile possible and walk over. The first person I make eye contact with is Zack then Savanah. "Welcome to First Horizon Park, I'm Maia if you will please follow I will show you all around." A group of staff and players follow me to the locker rooms we first stop in the visitor clubhouse for the Party Animals then head to the home clubhouse for the Bananas. Savanah and Zack drop off some things in the clubhouse then follow me down to the field. "Perfect thank you so much I think we are all set could we by chance get your number just in case we have any questions?" "Yeah, absolutely," I say my number for both of them. Savanah doesn't type my number in her phone leading me to believe she still has it from the rodeo. "Great, I will start a group chat with the three of us in it." I nod. I can't tell if he genuinely doesn't remember or if he is pretending. I head back up the stairs to the concourse and take the broadcasters up to the press box.

The rest of my afternoon is seemingly calm so I get a lot of James' tasks taken care of. However, right around 4:45 pm, my phone rings it is Savanah. "Hello, this is Maia." "Hey, Maia could you come to the home clubhouse we are having issues with the Wi-Fi?" "Yeah, I'm on my way." "Perfect, thanks!", then she hangs up. As I head to the clubhouse I have a bad feeling in my stomach, but I ignore it. I walk in and they are getting everything all set up for the players since they will all be here tomorrow. I will be in the office and see Savanah so I go and sit down next to her and try to get the connection to work. I end up having to just unplug and restart the Wi-Fi router for it to work. "Thank you so much." "It's not a problem at all." I go to stand up, "So how have you been?" "I've been really good just trying to set myself up for success either here or wherever I am next season." She nods, "That's great I'm sure this weekend we will go out to the bars one night at least you should join." "I don't know if that is a good idea." "Just think about it I'll text you if we go out. Okay?" I nod and smile, "Okay I'm going to head back upstairs, but if you all need anything call me I'll be here late tonight." She nods and I head out back towards the concourse. As  I'm about to open the door someone beats me to it. The clubhouse door opens and in walks two more familiar faces, Noah and Donny.

I Remember Everything | Noah BridgesWhere stories live. Discover now