01 (Now that we don't talk)

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I pay the price of what I lost
Jack ~ December 2019

I pace back and forth outside outside of Gracie's childhood homes front door, the snow on the porch was seeping through my trainers but I didn't notice

I was too busy thinking of what I'd say to her when I saw her

i regretted what I had said to her last summer as soon as I landed in New Jersey and I had time to think but I was stuck, I couldn't just catch a flight home during my rookie season

I got home for Christmas this morning and as soon as I got home I ran 5 houses down the road to Gracie's and rang the doorbell

The door opens and im met with her dads scowling face, her dad always loved me but im not surprised his opinion changed after prom last year, im such a dick head

"Hi Mr Evans, is Gracie home" I ask looking embarrassed but hopefully he can see how desperate I am to talk to her, his face twists with confusion

"You don't know?" He asks and now it's my turn to be confused "know what?" I ask

"Gracie moved to London" he says and my face drops, all hope of fixing this with Gracie leaving him how am I supposed to fix things if she doesn't answer my calls

"She's been gone since August, did no  one tell you?" He asks and I shake my head

"I fucked up" I tell him "I can't fix things, she won't talk to me"

"Son, you broke her heart" her dad says looking disappointed "we all thought you two were going to end up together but now i wouldn't be surprised if she never forgives you, you're the reason she left"

"I love her" i say and Mr Evans looks annoyed then his face relaxes

"Jack, honestly, don't give up" he smiles and pats my shoulder "don't you ever hurt my daughter again but I remember how good you two were before hockey got in the way, if you get the chance to fix things make sure you do things right this time"

What it cost
Gracie ~ September 2023

Taking my phone out of my pocket I press record on the next part of my what i eat in a day (travel edition) tiktok

Recording a clip of my disgusting plane food and then a clip of my face looking scared, I save it to my drafts and plug in my wired earphones, scrolling through tiktok for the next hour

This plane ride has to be one of the longest of my life even though I've done almost the exact same one at least once a year over the last 4 years

I'm too excited this time, I'm finally moving to New York City which has been my dream since I was 5 years old

My agent got me a deal with a big brand that is paying for my flight and the apartment I'm going to live in in New York and all I have to do is go to some events and do a few modelling gigs when I'm in New York

I decide to make a few more TikTok's for fun and post one now

Video of Gracie lip syncing to Get Him Back by Olivia Rodrigo

❤️ 678.7k
💬 3424

User Omg she looks so angry

User what happened with her and Trent omgggg
user maybe she's just using a popular sound?
Gracieleigh literally
User Omg you responded i love you

NOW THAT WE DONT TALK ~ Jack Hughes Where stories live. Discover now