Chapter 2

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We now get to see things from future Daemon's point of view. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

It felt like his head would explode at any moment, he was still attempting to process all the information the gods had forced into his brain. As of now, most things were a mumble inside his head, he could not make head or tail of what was happening. He and Rhaenyra had decided to go dragon riding for the day, happy to be spending a few days on Dragonstone and away from court life. There they could be free and do as they pleased without people whispering behind their backs. One moment they had been racing and the next they had been engulfed in a mist so thick they could touch it. Their dragons had spread their wings and glid through the air, the eeriness of the situation not affecting them. But then, it was said that dragons had a direct connection to the gods.
When the voices had started whispering he had been alarmed and afraid for Rhaenyra. But after a few seconds, he could feel a calmness filling him as fourteen voices spoke as one. Things were still a bit confusing, but from what he could tell, the gods wanted him and Rhaenyra to fix something and save the world. Then memories of things that had never happened to him had slammed into his head, making him dizzy and his stomach roll. The last warning from the gods had been to fix things or everything would be lost. Before he and Rhaenyra could react there had been a bright flash and then they were falling. Neither Syrax nor Caraxes had been able to stay in the air. They were about to crash onto the ground when Caraxes was able to righten himself before hitting one of the trees. His dragon had taken to brunt of their fall but Daemon could tell he was not hurt.
Daemon had fallen off Caraxes once the dragon hit the ground, but he was not badly hurt. His muscles ached and he had the biggest headache of his life, but he could not worry about that now. He needed to find his wife and make sure she was well. He had not seen where Syrax had fallen and he was not sure where he was. The gods had said they would be sent back in time but did not specify how far back they would go. Daemon stood up, using one of the trees for support, as he brought a hand to his head. That was when he heard the voices, that seemed to be coming from the direction Caraxes was, he needed to make sure his dragon would not hurt anyone. He did not know what could happen if Caraxes killed someone who was not supposed to die.
Daemon moved closer to the voices, then one of the voices made him stop in his tracks and his eyes filled with tears. He had not heard that voice in so long, he had almost forgotten what it sounded like. Then he was moving fast, wanting to make sure he was not dreaming and his eyes widened when he saw his father. There was no mistaking it, his father was standing a few feet away from him. Baelon looked strong, still in his prime and all Daemon wanted to do was hug the man. It took him a few minutes to notice that the man standing next to his father was himself, or a younger version of himself. He appeared to be young, maybe nine and ten or twenty, a younger Viserys standing next to him. Viserys looked young and very healthy like Daemon had not seen him look in years. It took him a few minutes before he could concentrate enough to hear what they were saying.
"We are just as confused as you are." His younger self said to Viserys.
"I believe I can help with that." All three men turned to look at him and their eyes widened in an almost comical way.
Younger Daemon's mouth fell open as he stared at him, while his father took a few steps towards him before looking between him and his younger self.
"Daemon?" Baelon's voice was unsure as he stared at him.
"Yes, it is I." He moved closer but stopped when all three men tensed. He could tell this would take a few moments for them to process. "I am not sure if this is the way you were supposed to find out about this."
"What?" His younger self had finally been able to close his mouth, but he still looked shocked. "What is happening? Who are you?"
"I think who I am would be obvious." Daemon rolled his eyes at the younger man. "I look just like you."
"Not just like me, you are older." Younger Daemon pointed to the corner of his eyes. "You have a few lines around your face."
"Careful boy." Daemon's eyes narrowed. "You might be me, but I will still beat you if I need to."
"I would like to see you try." Younger Daemon said mockingly.
"I am sorry, but have you all lost your senses?" Viserys had finally gotten his voice back. "There are two Daemons, why are we discussing who is older? We should be attempting to figure out why there are two of you."
"The Gods sent us," Daemon said, moving closer. He wanted to hug his father so badly. "We are supposed to help you with some things."
"Help us with what?" Viserys asked.
"Forget about that." Baelon lifted a hand, making both his sons stop before turning to look at Daemon. "What do you mean we? Is there another you walking around?"
"No," Daemon's eyes widened as he looked around the area where he had crashed. "My wife is with me. I need to find her, she could be hurt."
"Do you know where she might be?" Baelon asked and then nodded when Daemon shook his head. "We can help you find her."
"Why?" Younger Daemon looked at him like he had lost his mind. "Who cares if she is here? Maybe she will die and then you can be rid of her."
"Daemon!" Baelon snapped, not missing the anger in Daemon's eyes as he looked at his younger self. "Shut up!"
"Why? I am only speaking the truth." His younger self shook his head and then his eyes widened one more, his face a mask of horror. "Gods, please tell me I do not fall in love with the bronze bitch in the future?"
"What?" It took Daemon a second to remember why his younger self had reacted that way. He had forgotten that during this time he was still wed to Rhea Royce. When he said his wife, the younger Daemon must have thought that he was speaking about Rhea. Daemon let out an amused laugh. "No, you do not fall in love with your bronze bitch. I am not wed to Rhea any longer. My wife is..."
Caraxes let out a whistle as a roar split the air, coming from over the tree line. Daemon took off running, not even looking to see if the others were following. That roar had been Syrax, he would recognize it anywhere. He was the first to reach the dragon, the other three men coming to a stop when they saw the golden dragon. The three men behind him did not recognize the large golden dragon as Syrax, during this time Rhaenyra's dragon must still be a small hatchling. Syrax roared at the three men, not wanting them close to her rider, he could tell she was a bit confused about the other man who looked like him.
The dragon moved a bit and Daemon saw Rhaenyra lying on the ground. He moved quickly, kneeling beside her and pushing the hair away from her face. He could not see any injuries, it seemed like Syrax had taken the brunt of the fall and protected her rider.
"Come on, love." He tapped her face gently, but she did not move. He could tell she was breathing and Syrax did not appear to be in distress, so he knew she was not badly injured. "Wake up."
"We could take her back to the camp." He almost jumped at Baelon's voice, not having realized his father, younger self and Visery had moved closer. "We can get the horses and have a maester examine her."
"Yes," He picked up Rhaenyra and stood up, turning to the three men who seemed mesmerized by the woman in his arms.
"Uhm... I do not think she will be a problem because I have never seen her before, but what about him?" Viserys pointed him before looking at his father and younger brother. "How are we supposed to explain that there are two Daemons and one of them is over a decade older than the current one?"
"Do not worry about that, the gods have taken care of it." Daemon looked down at his wife, who still had not moved an inch. "They will not see me when they look at me. I know that the gods created a story in people's minds. I do not know who they will think I am, but it would not be who I really am."
"I do not remember you or her." His younger self said while looking at Rhaenyra. Daemon could see he was curious, but could not see her fully due to the way she was positioned. "I do not think my mind has been altered."
"It would not be." Daemon shook his head. "The ones we are supposed to help will be able to see us just as we are. I do not think any of you would believe me if I did not look the way I do or if you believed I was someone else."
All three men nodded before they started walking towards the tree line and back to their horses. Daemon followed after them, reaching for his connection with Caraxes, and had him stay with Syrax. He made sure his dragon knew to stay away from people until Daemon could assess the situation, he would call for his dragon if he needed him. Right now he could not think of anything else but Rhaenyra and making sure she was well. 

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