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"I am legitimizing my mother's rule before we walk among the smallfolk. The usurper will be remembered as just that. A drunken rapist that usurped the throne from the rightful heir. One that had multiple bastards and had them in fighting pits." Aemma told Cregan as they got ready for the day

"This will cause uproar from Oldtown." Cregan replied

She scoffed, "What do I care what those cunts have to say?"

The Wolf looked at his Dragon, "You-We- must tread carefully."

Aemma observed her husband, "It is my right to legitimize the half year my mother ruled as she was the rightful heir. As I told Lord Corlys, My mother was not given a chance to rule." She told him, cooly, "As soon as Grandsire passed, the Hightowers usupered her, placing a drunken rapist on the rule because he possessed a cock. Mother watched as her children were slaughtered. Why should Alicent Hightower's son be remembered instead of my mother?" She said, her voice getting louder as she defended her mother

Cregan looked at his wife and almost made a move to comfort her before stopping himself, "It was not my intention to cause an argument, Aemma. I merely meant we would have to keep an eye on Oldtown."

The Targaryen sighed as she sat on the bed. She felt the bed shifted and she looked to the side of her to see her mother.

"Gaomagon daor fret, tala. (Do not fret, daughter.)" Rhaenyra said

"Iksos ziry daor issa paktot naejot emagon ao remembered hae se drēje prince, Muña? (Is it not my right to have you remembered as the rightful heir, Mother?)" Aemma asked

The Northern man furrowed his eyebrows. He was worried about his wife. She couldn't bear to be touched, talked to herself frequently, wasn't sleeping and was avoiding her dragon.

He didn't know how to help her and he couldn't afford to bring it up to the small council, even though they had been loyal to Rhaenyra Targaryen.

"You said you wished to follow in Good Queen Alysanne's footsteps?" Cregan asked

Aemma nodded, "First, we must assess what the smallfolk need. I would also like the small council to join us as we break fast." She told her husband

When they were ready, the Queen and King Consort exited their chambers and headed towards the dining hall, their arms not quite touching.

On their way, they came across a servant.

"Please inform the small council members and Lady Jeyne Arryn that they are requested in the dining hall to join us in breaking fast." She instructed the serving girl

The serving girl curtsied, "At once, Your Majesty."

As the Queen and her Consort walked away, she looked at her husband, "Mayhaps I can also introduce you to Aegarax soon."

Cregan gave her a small smile, "Mayhaps. What brought this on?"

Aemma sighed, "You are right, it is not fair I am avoiding him for something that is my fault."

The Northerner brought them to a stop and walked in front of his wife. He waited until she tilted her head up slightly in order to look at him before he spoke, "Jacaerys's death is not your fault. None of your family's deaths are." He told her

The teen Queen sighed again, "I could have saved most of them. I should have flown faster."

Cregan looked his wife in the eye, "One day, Aemma, I will have you believe that your family's deaths are not your fault."

Aemma just blinked at her husband, not knowing how to respond to that. She fully believed that her parents and siblings deaths were her fault.

The Last Targaryen moved around her husband and continued walking with Cregan moving back to her side.

When their arrived to their destination and sat down, the Northerner started putting food on his wife's plate before he loaded his own.

Aemma picked up one of the fruits and took a bite. However since her captivity, food had tasted like ash. I wonder if this is what everything tastes like to Aegarax.

The doors opened, "Ser Alyn Velaryon, Maester Munkun, Lady Alysanne Blackwood, Ser Alan Beesbury, Lady Cassana Fell, Quenton Corbray, and Lady Jeyne Arryn." The squire announced

The small council members and Lady Jeyne walked into the room, all bowing or curtsying to their Queen.

"I have a few things I would like to discuss with you all." Aemma told the room once they were seated, "The first is I am legitimizing my mother's rule. The usurper will be remembered as just that. A drunken rapist that usurped the throne from the rightful heir. One that had multiple bastards and had them in fighting pits."

Those in the rooms exchanged looks with each other, not eager about the response this would invoke from the seven kingdoms.

"However, I do not want a bad word said about Helaena, Jaehaerys, Jaehaera and Maelor. The second thing I wish to discuss is I want to change the law of succession. From this day forward, the heir shall be the first born babe, regardless of gender." The Queen finished

Again, the occupants of room exchanged looks, this time Cregan included. Surely this law would cause even more of an uproar.

"Queen Aemma," Lady Alysanne started, "These laws might cause an uproar throughout the lands."

She nodded, "Cregan has already warned me that we would have to watch Oldtown. As for the law of succession, should our first babe be born a girl, I do not want her to have to go through what my mother went through." She said

Lady Jeyne looked at the girl, "Regardless of if you change the law, there will always be those who oppose a woman ruling. They have opposed me my whole life, they opposed Princess Rhaenys and they opposed your mother."

The Queen was silent for a moment as she thought. She then looked at those in the room with her, "Would it be useless to call all the Lords to King's Landing and have them swear fealty to me?" She asked, "They swore fealty to my mother and then turned against her."

"Have them swear fealty to you. If they break it, they are an oathbreaker." Ser Alyn told his Queen

"Those who broke their oath to Queen Rhaenyra have not been dealt with." Cregan told his wife and the room

Aemma nodded, "Yes, Storm's End, Oldtown and Casterly Rock to name a few. Mayhaps when the Lord's come to swear fealty, The Baratheons, The Hightowers and the Lannisters can be dealt with."


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