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As the two guards exited the dungeons with Aemma, they heard the shouts.

"The king is dead!"

"King Aegon is dead!"

The two guards exchanged a look, however before they could move, more guards came.

However what was different about was they wore the Seahorse of House Velaryon on their doublets.

Those of House Velaryon slew Aemma's captors. When they moved to take the shackles off of her, she flinched.

One of the guards tore off his cloak and handed it to Aemma. She took it and wrapped it around herself, providing more coverage and comfort than she's had in the last two months.

The Velaryon men took a step back and dropped to one knee, although they didn't say anything.

"Aemma." Lord Corlys called from behind his men

Aemma shifted her gaze to the man who betrayed her mother but didn't greet him.

"Aegon has been found dead, his wine poisoned. His mother is chained and waiting in the throne room for you. You are Queen now." The Lord of Driftmark told her as moved to take her shackles off.

The last Targaryen didn't say instead and this time, Aemma didn't flinch as Corlys moved towards her. Instead, she remembered something she told her mother years ago.

"If I am to be Queen, then everyone is dead."

Aemma had once told her mother that when she was younger, right around the time Joffrey was born.

7 years later, it was true.

Aemma Velaryon-Targaryen was the last of the Targaryen's.

The war had taken everything from her. Her mother, father, brothers, sisters, sweet aunt and three cousins were gone.

First had been her youngest sister, Visenya who was a stillborn.

Next was Lucerys and his dragon, Arrax. Arrax had been torn to pieces and Luke had been swallowed whole by Vhagar after they had been chased through the skies by Aemond.

Luke had only been 14.

Her younger cousin, Jaehaerys, was then murdered as revenge.

Jaehaerys had only been 6.

Rhaenys and Baela along with their dragons, Meleys and Moondancer were next. The dragons were ripped apart by Sunfyre and Vhagar while her family members were burned by said dragons.

Baela had only been 14.

Rhaena, little Aegon, little Viserys, and their dragons, Morning and Stormcloud were on their way to be fostered in Pentos when their ship was taken by Green Supporters and the three were beheaded.

Rhaena had only been 14, Aegon and Viserys had only been 4 and 2.

It was due to their deaths that led Jacaerys, his dragon Vermax, to their deaths. The twins had been flying to burn those who killed their siblings when the attack came. Due to all the arrows, Vermax crashed into Aegarax, Aemma's dragon. The dragons brought both of their riders down into the sea and more arrows kept coming. Jace gave his life to protect his sister.

And what does he get in return?

Aemma had to use her twin brother's dead body to float to safety as Aegarax's wing was wounded.

Jace had only been 17.

Next were her younger cousins, Jaehaera and Maelor. They had died during the Fall of King's Landing, torn apart by the mob.

Jaehaera had been 7 and Maelor was 3.

Hearing the news of her children's death, her Aunt Helaena had thrown herself from the window into Maegor's Holdfast.

Her three horrid uncles were gone as well, although Aemma reveled in that thought.

Her father was next. Her father stabbed her uncle Aemond in his remaining eye while her uncle had stabbed her father in the heart.

Next to die was Joffrey. During a mob, her sweet brother had mounted Syrax, who was unaccustomed to the boy and he died after being thrown from her back and then trampled by the mob.

Joffrey was only 7.

Next was her mother. She was burned alive by Sunfyre at Aegon the Usurper's command in front of Aemma.

I am Queen because everyone is dead she thought to herself

House Velaryon was nearly gone too, save for the Corlys, Laenor's supposed bastard son, Alyn, and Corlys's two nephews, Daemion and Daeron.

Though Aemma was alive, she wished she had died in the war as well.

She was the Last Targaryen, the Last Dragon.

She has never felt so alone before.

"Let us proceed." Aemma croaked, and she made her way in front of the Velaryon Lord and his men

The party walked into the throne room and Aemma made her way to the throne.

One of the men loyal to Rhaenyra Targaryen held her crown and waited for her daughter to approach.

Once Aemma was in front of the man and she bowed her head, he held the crown above her head, "Queen Aemma Targaryen, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men. Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."

With that, he placed the crown on her held and Aemma climbed the stairs to the Iron Throne and sat down.

At 17 years old and as the only surviving child of Rhaenyra Targaryen, Aemma Velaryon, now Aemma Targaryen, was now Queen.

The guards present all knelt and swore the same path, "I swear to ward the Queen with all my strength and give my blood for hers. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall guard her secrets, obey her commands, ride at her side and defend her name and honor."

Once they were down, the Lords and Lady's that were present, they swore their oath, the promise to be faithful to Queen Aemma Targaryen and her heirs. To pledge fealty to them and shall defend them against all enemies in good faith and without deceit. All while swearing this by the old gods and the new.

When the Vanguard of Lord Tully's host appeared before the walls of King's Landing two days later, Corlys Velaryon rode out to greet them with Aemma somber at his side.

"The king is dead," the Sea Snake announced gravely, "Long live the Queen."

And across Blackwater Bay, in the Gullet, Lord Leowyn Corbray stood at the prow of a Braavosi cog and watched a line of Velaryon warships haul down the golden dragon of the second Aegon and raise in its place the red dragon of the first, the banner that all the Targaryen kings and Queen Rhaenyra had flown until the Dance began.


The war started (in the show) in 132 AC. It lasted about a year, so now it's 133 AC. Aemma is 17, Cregan is 20, his son Rickon is about to be 2.

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