"'That's my gramma's!'" Tamatoa said, mocking Moana before speaking in his normal voice.

"I ate my gramma! And it took a week, 'cause she was absolutely humongous. Why are you two here?"

Maui was about to jump on Tamatoa's shell, only for the crab to pull away from the ledge. Just as Tamatoa was about to turn and face Maui, Aukai came up with something.

"Because you're amazing!" he shouted, getting the crab's attention. "And we humans have heard of the tale of the crab who became a legend! With the loot of a thousand ships!"

"And we just had to know..." Moana continued as Maui climbed back onto his ledge to hide, "how you became so... crabulous?"

"Are you two just trying to get me to talk about myself?" Tamatoa asked with a glare. "Because if you are...

"I will gladly do so," he finished, dropping the seriousness with a smile.

"Huh?" Moana asked.

"In song form!" Tamatoa finished as he threw something into the water above that made his gold begin to glitter, lighting up the cave with spots like stars.

"What is it with you people and songs?" Aukai asked right before Tamatoa began singing.

"Well, Tamatoa hasn't always been this glam

"I was a drab little crab once

"Now I know I can be happy as a clam

"Because I'm beautiful, baby!"

He dropped Aukai and thrust a giant claw into Moana's chest before pulling at both her arms.

"Did your granny say

"Listen to your heart

"Be who you are on the inside

"I need three words

"To tear her argument apart

"Your granny lied

"I'd rather be shiny

"Like a treasure

"From a sunken pirate wreck

"Scrub the deck

"And make it look shiny

"I will sparkle like a

"Wealthy woman's neck

"Just a sec

"Don't ya know?"

He looked up at the hole in the roof where fish began to swim overhead like vultures.

"Fish are dumb, dumb, dumb

"They chase anything that glitters


"Oh, and here they come, come, come

"To the brightest thing that glitters!"

The fish then fell into Tamatoa's mouth allowing him to swallow them whole.

"Mm, fish dinners

"I just love free food

"And you look like seafood!"

He then tried eating a squirming Moana as Aukai swung his cutlass at one of his nine legs since one was indeed missing.

"Hey, crab cake!" Maui shouted, causing Tamatoa to not eat Moana and look up at his shell. Smirking, Maui grabbed his fish hook and pulled it out of the treasure pile.

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