Chapter Thirteen

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"That's what I'm talking about," Maui said to Mini-Maui, offering him his hand. "Gimme some." Mini-Maui, however, didn't give him some.

"Come on," Maui said to his tattoo as he began climbing. "That was a good one. How do you not get it? I called them chickens, there's a chicken on the boat. I know they're human, but that's not the... You know what? Forget it. Forget it! I'm not explaining it to you. 'Cause then it's not funny."

"We're not staying put, are we?" Aukai asked as he and Moana kept their eyes on the retreating demigod.

"Not a chance," Moana answered.

Grunting, Maui pulled himself up on a ledge to look down at the boat. He saw Hei-Hei pecking at the wood, but he didn't see Moana and Aukai down there.

Hearing grunting right next to him, Maui turned and saw Moana and Aukai climbing up.

Groaning, Maui rolled his eyes as he followed them.

"So, daughter of the chief..." Maui began to say to Moana, "I thought you stayed in the village. You know, kissing babies and things."

Moana glared down at him before following Aukai farther up.

"Hey, I'm just trying to understand why your people decided to send... How do I phrase this? You two," Maui continued.

"My people didn't send us," Moana answered. "The ocean did."

"The ocean?" Maui asked. "Makes sense. You two are what, eight? One lost his memory. The other can't sail. Obvious choice."

"It chose us for a reason," Aukai said, paying no mind to Maui's sarcasm. Reaching down, Aukai grabbed Moana's hand and pulled her up to the next ledge.

"If the ocean's so smart, why didn't it just take the heart back to Te Fiti itself?" Maui asked, causing the two friends to pause on the climb. "Or bring me my hook? The ocean's straight-up kooky-dooks.

"But I'm sure it's not wrong about you two," Maui continued as Moana and Aukai reached the top of the mountain. "You're the Chosen Ones!"

So much for an entrance. The top of the mountain was nothing but a sand pit with a giant rock in the center.

Moana walked to the edge of the mountaintop and looked out at the sea. Maui's words rang in her mind.

"Don't listen to him," Aukai said as he walked up to Moana, taking her hand in a comforting manner. "The ocean chose you for a reason."

Maui, who had just reached the top, looked at them in disgust.

"If one of you starts singing, I'm gonna throw up," the demigod said.

"So, not seeing an entrance," Moana said as she and Aukai turned to Maui.

"Yes," Maui agreed as he looked at the two kids angrily, "because it only appears after a human sacrifice."

Moana gasped. Aukai held a protective arm in front of her as he reached for his sword.

"Kidding!" Maui shouted, dropping the serious tone with a laugh. "So serious."

Inhaling, Maui blew all the sand off the mountain with a single breath of power.

Moana and Aukai coughed as they waved the dust from their faces. Looking down, they saw a large circular face carved in the stone. The giant rock that was in the center of the sandbox made the face's nose.

At that second, Maui began shouting in a foreign language, almost like a chant before jumping up and smashing the face's nose.

"Not the nose," Aukai whimpered as he clutched his own button nose.

MoanaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon