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"The unexpected visit"

"But how is that possible? After all this time? I have not seen him for at least fifteen years. Ruth was still a baby." said Grace.

The girls had packed their things and were heading to the Taylors' house. The sudden news of Felix Taylor's arrival had upset them.

Felix was Mr. Henry's son from his first marriage. His first wife had died quite early, and a few months after her death Mr. Smith introduced him to his wife's sister, Alice. His ex-wife's parents, the Watsons, were outraged by his decision to marry so quickly without grieving their daughter enough, so they decided to raise Felix. Felix had only visited his father and his new family twice when he was young. Over time, they lost touch and Mr. Taylor believed he would never see his son again.

His coming was indeed very sudden.

The girls arrived at the Taylors' house. In the courtyard of the house sat Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Mr. Taylor, while Mrs. Taylor helped the servants prepare the tea.

"Why are you soaking wet? You will catch a cold! The weather is very strange these days!' said Mrs. Smith looking at the girls.

"Mother, it's spring. We're not going to catch a cold." Madeline said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Grace sat next to her father.

"Father, is it true? Will Felix come to visit us?'

"Yes it's true. And he won't just come to visit us. He will come to stay with us!"

"Why? What happened? He hasn't visited us here in years, why would he suddenly come to stay with us now?" Grace asked, puzzled.

"The Watsons are dead. Felix has no one else in the world. A month ago he sent me a letter to tell me the news. And I told him that he can come and stay with us."

"And mother? Does she agree?" Ruth asked.

"Of course. He is like my child. And he is your brother." said Mrs. Taylor, coming out of the house.

"I don't know. Everything is so sudden. I don't know how to react."

"Grace, I understand it's strange to have another man in the house, but he's your brother. And I'm sure he loves you very much." said Mr. Taylor.

A few minutes of silence followed. Then Mr. Smith spoke to break the silence.

"Well, I suggest we make a big table to welcome him!"

"Very good idea Matthew. I was thinking about it too."

"Will we have time to get ready? He is coming in two days."

"Of course Alice, don't worry. I will arrange everything."

"Henry, don't forget to buy wine and gin!" said Mr. Smith, winking at Mr. Henry.

Mary-Jane and Madeleine looked at each other while their mother looked down. They knew that if their father drank, it would not end well.

Mr. Smith was a chronic alcoholic. Whenever he drank he would come home and shout, break things, and if he was in a bad mood, he would beat his wife and children. Over the past two years, his addiction had gotten worse. The Taylors knew about this, but had done nothing to stop it. Only Mr. Taylor had tried to talk to him, but each time they ended up arguing. Mr. Smith acted like he didn't know what happened to him, but he never apologized. Many times, Madeline didn't go to school because she had bruises on her face. Mary-Jane always tried to defend herself against his blows, but to no avail. Little Michael, cried loudly, he was afraid of his father and always trembled when he came near him. Their mother on the other hand never spoke. She accepted everything without speaking, saying that this is her defense.Their servants lived in another house. They did not want Mr. Smith's addiction known to the world. After all, he was also the mayor of the town.

All this was a nightmare for the Smith family. Anightmare that might never end.

Poor In HeavenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora