Cosmic Cataclysm (Prologue)

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The battlefield grounds were frozen by a thick layer of frost, shining brightly beneath the two royals' feet. Amidst the tension, everyone was spectating the glorious battle between the two princes, both wanting to obtain immense glory for their region. They both had a desire for victory from the annual Battle of The Royals, and the defeated would seek vengeance from the champion in the next season.

The battleground's temperature started to drop at an accelerating rate, making the layer of frost sturdier and harder to break through. Silver tinted snowflakes were descending from the ceiling and onto the icy ground at a slow pace. Thick clouds of fog rose from the earth, making the atmosphere hazy. Russia approached his opponent, firmly stepping on the frozen ground. He then swung his frost tainted weapon, aiming the sharp blade towards his opponent's throat. His claymore was now dangerously close to the other royals' neck. Russia gave a stern glare towards America, coldly piercing him with his frosty blue eyes like two sharp daggers of ice. America could feel a glacial breeze brushing against his skin, making him slightly shiver.

As Russia's icy gaze was fixed onto his enemy, he then spoke in a cold voice.

"Any last words?" Russia asked in a bloodcurdling demeanor.

Even if Russia sounded outright menacing, America stood in front of him, motionless, with only his chest gradually moving up and down due to him inhaling and exhaling the air. He remained calm and quiet, not answering his enemy's question. He stared into Russia's ice tainted eyes, his face maintaining a look of neutrality and numbness. Russia was somewhat confused because of America's almost non-existent reaction and the sharp blade moved an inch closer to the other one's throat. They were both staring at one another: one coldly, one expressionlessly. Everyone was on the edge of their seats, not knowing what will happen next or what to expect.

As America's throat was in danger of it being pierced and Russia showing no mercy, his eyelids slowly started to close. Everyone supposedly guessed that the other individual would have already accepted his fate and barely moved so that he'd let Russia end his misery once and for all, but that wasn't necessarily the case.

The boy's eyes were fully closed, with him entering a calm state. Russia was still pointing the weapon's sharp blade towards his neck. It was now just an inch away from piercing his throat and maybe even decapitating him. Russia's menacing glare got even colder, with the atmosphere getting tense, building up pressure between the two of them.

But just as Russia had the desire to swing his weapon forward, his eyes widened. A halo with a dark tint of purple appeared, circling America's head, illuminating his silver and violet streaked hair. Heliotrope coloured stars revolved around the cosmic ring of light, shining brilliantly, as an unexpected surge of confusion overtook Russia. One of the spectators looked at America attentively with their eyes widened, immediately recognizing the move that he was about to make.

"Oh dear heavens... This won't end well..." they whispered to another person from the audience.

"Wait a minute, isn't that..." they replied to the other person while covering their mouth in disbelief.

"The Supernova..." another person completed their sentence.

Just as the person finished talking, the ceiling started to detach from the walls, disintegrating in midair, transforming into humongous chunks of metal. The chunks looked like asteroids and fine space debris suspended in the atmosphere. The ether turned from a stunning shade of sapphire to a gorgeous cosmic scenery, where the darkened stratosphere was illuminated by brilliant nebulas, galaxies, shining stars and vibrant colours. Everyone turned their gaze onto the sky, some admiring the scenery, some deeply afraid of the phenomenon, some thinking that they would die.

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