Chapter Two - A Clown?

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Ace's POV

"What the fuck was that for, Soph?" I ask her as we walk back to the hotel we were all staying at. "I'm not sure, remember when I had that panic attack earlier? That was when I saw a clown holding a red balloon. I guess it just sent me into fight or flight, and with me being me -AKA an indecisive asshole-, I picked both." I chuckle at her comment and hold open the door to the hotel for her. She curtsies and I bow. We both look at each other for a few seconds before bursting out laughing, god I've missed her and her corny, cheesy jokes and her laugh and her smile. God, I've missed her. "Ok, you indecisive asshole, go get some food already." "Right! That's what I was going to do!" she yells while holding her index finger in the air. Jesus Christ, she's forgetful. I wander around the hotel for a while until I see a door slightly ajar upstairs, it's the guys from earlier all passed out on the floor or bed. Soph has to see this.

Sophies POV

I turn away from Ace and hold my finger up while I walk to where I think the bar is. They've gotta have some food there, right? Ah, found it. Cool. There's no one here but there's a bell on the table, am I supposed to ring that? Ok, I ring the bell. Ding! there's still no one here ding! "hello?" ding! ding! ding! ding! I gave up at that point. I turn to walk away but a tall figure steps in front. I look up at who it is and gasp slightly OH HELL NO. It's my dad. You know, the abusive one with the belt? Yeah, that one. He reaches down and unbuckles his belt and pulls it from his jeans, "Someone's been a bad daughter, hasn't she? I think you deserve a beating for what you and your slut of a mother did." at that, he steps towards me and pulls the belt above his head. While trying to scramble away from my dad,  I scream for Ace over and over until my voice hurts and all I can do is whimper sadly. He takes a final step forward before bringing the belt down on my lower legs and again on my lower arms. I cover my eyes with my hands and he stops. I uncover my eyes and look up to see a goddamn clown staring back at me with drool hanging out of its inhumanely large mouth. "You wanna float? I can teach you how to float because YOU'LL FLOAT TOO! Won't you!" IT grabs my face and shakes it from side to side as I whimper and grabs IT's hands to try and pry them off while he laughs at my attempts. Suddenly, its head whips around and Ace steps into the doorway to the room and shouts. The fucked-up demon of a clown laughs and then disappears. Ace runs over and holds me as I sob. Some boys come down the stairs and I recognise them as the boys from earlier while they stare -dumbfounded- at the scene playing out in front of them.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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