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A few weeks had passed and Y/N was settling into New Orleans life quite nicely. Ben had introduced her to a few of his friends, and she hit it off with them immediately. She was spending her Saturday night behind the bar, having a blast serving drinks to Ben and his friends - Emily, and Chris. Y/N brought them another round and as she turned to leave Ben grabbed her wrist. "When do you get off?" He asked eagerly.

She looked at the clock above the bar. "I've got an hour left, and I'm all yours."

"Oh that's perfect!" Emily chimed in. "We're going to this new club across town in a bit, a friend of mine is playing a set tonight. Actually, come to think of it you'd love him!"

Y/N didn't know much about Emily, but she learned fairly quickly that the more her new friend drank, the more she was determined to set her up on blind dates. Ben sunk down in his seat uncomfortably, and Y/N sort of felt bad for him. Chris elbowed Emily as a warning that went ignored, causing Y/N to laugh.

"Club, yes," she said. "Musician, no thanks!"

"Aww come on!" Emily begged. "He's hot and plays guitar...what more could a girl ask for?"

Just then the bell above the door rang, signaling another patron and Y/N looked up.

There was Elijah in a black suit, his dark hair perfectly styled. He looked briefly around the bar before his eyes met Y/N's causing a familiar blush. What more could a girl ask for? Well there he was. She felt her heart race in her chest. She cleared her throat and turned back to the table.

"Ignore her," Chris said. "He's a great musician, worth seeing. So we'll leave in an hour?"

Y/N shrugged. "You know, you guys go on ahead and I'll meet you over there. I'll have some side work to do, so I don't want to hold you up."

"I can hang back and keep you company," Ben suggested.

Y/N's eyes flickered to Elijah and back to Ben. "No, it'll be super boring. Text me the address and I'll meet you there. I've gotta get back to work." She hurried off and back to the bar.

"Elijah, hey," she greeted.

He unbuttoned his suit jacket and took a seat at the bar. "Good evening, Y/N."

"What are you drinking?"

"Scotch, please."

Y/N poured him a glass. It had been a week since she'd last seen him, and she was beginning to wonder if she'd ever have the chance to see him again.

She passed the glass and his fingers brushed against hers. They paused for a moment, and she wondered if he felt it, too. Y/N pulled her hand away, praying her heart would slow down. What was about this man that got under her skin and had her on edge every time she was in his presence?

Elijah looked down, the corners of his lips turning up softly. "Thank you." His eyes met hers again and they smiled warmly.

"So what brings you in?" Y/N busied herself with wiping down the bar, trying as hard as she could to seem unaffected by him. "Looking for Cami again?"

"To be quite frank, Y/N, I thought I might find you here."

She stopped what she was doing and looked up at him. She couldn't tear her gaze away from him, and she felt the pull again. When he looked at her, she felt bare, as if he was seeing all of her. The idea alone was enough to make anyone run and hide, but she found herself drawn into him despite her vulnerability. She wanted to know him.

"Damn Y/N!" Emily's drunken shouts from across the room pierced the moment causing her to jump and Elijah to sip his drink. "You don't need a guitar player tonight, get it girl!" Emily shouted.

Devil's Backbone by idkxwriting (ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum