Chapter III: The Perfect Pair Part 1

Start from the beginning

However, there was a huge problem that she had been carrying for six years already. Currently, the Imperial Palace was not in a good condition and the noble families were divided into two factions. The warning she gave to the first prince was a failure. Prince Darius had been cursed on the day of his coming of age so the plot of the story proceeded as what was written. At this moment, the cursed prince must be in an abandoned castle in the city of Louvern.

She may have escaped from the path of becoming a villainess but her role as a villainess was only the tip of the iceberg. It was not only Clarish but other buttons also played a huge part in the tragedy. The Curse of the Prince was the major plot that twisted everything. When the prince, who was supposed to be the next in line to the throne, died and the crown had been given to the second prince of House Scarlett. To express their opposition, the House Marqaux and House Evergreen supported the first prince together with the other strong houses and declared war on the Empire.

It was a time of chaos, many had died in the war. The knights of the House Scarlett were defeated and many noble members that supported the fallen house had been executed. The House Belfford which was the major ally of the Scarlett bloodline also met its demise.

If only that arrogant scumbag had listened to me, there shouldn't be a problem now. He's really getting on my nerves! She clenched her fist out of frustration and punched the soft pillow as hard as she could while imagining the face of Prince Darius.

"Now, all you have to do is to stay alive, you jerk," she said to the pillow with a devilish expression as if it was the prince she was talking to. "I'll kill you if you die."

But what if the Emperor dies? Her sudden thought made her stop and stared blankly at the pillow. She landed it back on the bed and was once again thought deeply.

It was the Emperor who maintained the peace between the two opposing houses. To avoid any conflict and to give the title of a crown prince to the right successor, the Sovereign gave them a condition. The curse must be lifted and the first prince must be back to normal before the crowning ceremony. If not, the title would be passed down to Prince Warryn and no noble houses could say a thing about it.

But if the Emperor suddenly dies at a time when the passing of the throne has not been decided, then the most terrifying event will be written in history. It wasn't written in the book that the Emperor died before the war but what if it happened this time? Even if the Emperor was the most powerful man on the continent, he could not go against the law of nature. He's already old and bedridden. What if someone from the noble houses tries to assassinate His Majesty?

Now, everything became complicated just because of the arrogant prince who had not listened to her when she warned him before. She picked the poor pillow once again and massacred it until the cottons inside were pulled out. When she felt a bit of satisfaction, she stood out of bed and went to the bathroom to relax.

The female servants happily entered her room that morning while they chitchatted with her. One servant prepared her dress and the other one groomed her hair.

"There's no other beauty in the continent of Arsleia that exists other than you, Lady Clarish," Sylvia, the one who would always praise her beauty, said after she'd done grooming her hair. The other maids nodded, no signs of disagreement to them.

Their praise and adoration had become a habit and the only thing she could do was to smile sweetly. From a 'young lady,' she had now transformed into a fine and dignified lady of House Belfford. Following the norm of this world, she just debuted as an adult when she turned 16.

But I was already an adult when I came to this world, she thought with a smug in her face.

"It's a mystery to me that no one in this land tried to send an engagement proposal to our lady. Not only Lady Clarish is beautiful, but she's also a perfect woman. She's well-mannered and well-educated. She has everything a lady could have." She chuckled at the bold declaration of the other maid named Jane. She's a newbie but she already grew closer to the other maids.

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