Start from the beginning


"Priceless." Nikki said giving a sly smile.

"Mmmhmm," Liyah said, rolling her eyes. "Sure honey. Just like the time I caught you trying to fuck the star of the guys AND girls basketball team back in high school."

"Please, girlfriend. You see homegirl was one of the stars of the women's final four this year, so hush!" Nikki said with a laugh as Liyah's beer arrived. "Besides, I'm a whole lot of woman for just one."

"So what about the dude?"

"Well, dude was hung like a star. I know you'd want a taste of something like that."

Liyah raised her eyebrows as she took a sip of the beer, then awkwardly paused as she set it down, looking for the right words to say. "So, where do you wanna start first with the shopping?"

"Well, thanks to my latest sugar daddy, I got some hookups at some exclusive boutiques down in SoHo. Stuff that only stars and people with money have..."

"And old money-chasing cum-guzzling sluts like yourself have," Liyah said, playfully sticking out her tongue before taking another sip of her beer. Nikki glared at Liyah, shaking her fluffy hair, "He's not "old-money". He's "Euro-trash soho art gallery dealer money". She snapped her fingers, "New money bitch. Get it right."

"Well, excuse me..." Liyah said snapping her fingers in return. "Should I start singing your favorite Prince song?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I knew a girl named Nikki, yadda yadda yadda, sex fiend, blah blah blah," Nikki sang and they both laughed.

"Now, let's get something to eat. We have one hell of a day ahead of us. Waiter!" Nikki called out beckoning towards their server.


"So here it is," Nikki said, gesturing to the plain looking storefront. "I can tell by your reaction that you aren't impressed, but trust me, it's worth every penny."

Liyah looked at her friend, shrugged, then followed Nikki into the store. What the store lacked in ambiance, it more than made up for in clothes. It seemed like you couldn't swing a dead cat without finding a cute top or a nice skirt or a flattering pair of pants, and from the layout, swinging a dead cat would probably knock half the store over. The two old friends picked up handful after handful of new clothes, carefully avoiding the hipsters as they made their way through the aisles. A few of the customer's eyes lingered over the forms of the ladies, one catty female even rolling their eyes at the two.

The ladies made their way into the changing room, carelessly throwing their clothes onto the bench. Nikki had already tossed off her short skirt, and soon she was fluffing her large fluffy ringlets, posed in front of the mirror, swaying her hips from side to side as she showed off for herself.

"Hmm...let's see which of these clothes shows off my sexy body," Nikki seductively said as she bent over, letting her friend see her pantiless, hairless sex. "I know I wanna show it off."

"Yeah, I bet you do..." Liyah said trailing off, looking at the scene in front of her. "So, what do you wanna try on first?"

"Well, I think I wanna try these," Nikki said as she rummaged through the clothes there, digging out a pair of cream-colored capris that looked too narrow in the hips for her. "Let's see if this works..."

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