First Impressions

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"This was supposed to be your welcoming party..." Dojima began, rubbing the back of his head with a sheepish look. "But I'm not much of a cook, so this was the best I could throw together."

Nanako offered the other can of green tea to Dojima with a smile to which he returned a smile back, accepting the drink. Nanako and Dojima opened their cans, Nanako carefully pouring the soda into her glass.

"Well, time to dig in," Dojima hummed, opening the three boxes of sushi.

He took a swig of his drink as Nanako clapped her hands, thanking for the food, shortly picking an amaebi nigiri. Dojima looked over at Hitomi who simply sat there, head lowered. Her cheeks were puffed out just a tad, lips barely puckered.

"...I wasn't really expecting something like this," Hitomi finally spoke, her words somewhat muddled and shy. "I-I didn't think... there would be a welcome party, of all things. I, um... I-I appreciate it... thank you..."

Dojima blinked in surprise at Hitomi's words, strangely moved by them. He smiled and lifted his can of tea, catching her attention. "Well, we're going to be your family for a while. It was the least we could do. Do your best to try and make yourself feel at home here, okay?"

Hitomi's face flushed, her eyes glistening a little as she blinked at him in surprise. She looked down, opening her can of green tea with a shy nod. Dojima laughed as he pointed at the feast before them with his chopsticks.

"Well, don't be shy. Go ahead and start digging in!" Dojima grabbed another uni sushi, stuffing it in his mouth without hesitation like before.

Hitomi picked up her chopsticks, instantly darting for the hirame, tako, and maguro sushi in their respective box. Just as she was about to take her first bite, Dojima's cell phone suddenly went off. The girls looked at him and blinked in surprise as he sighed.

"Of course, perfect timing..." Dojima grumbled as he took out his phone, standing up from the table. Dojima flipped open his cell as he turned his back on the girls, a sigh escaping him. "Dojima here."

There was a small pause. Hitomi looked over to Nanako, noticing her rather upset expression. Hitomi's eyes softened in sympathy for her, knowing exactly how it felt.

"...Got it. I'm on my way," Dojima hummed, hanging up and returning it to his pocket shortly after. Grumbling to himself, he began to walk towards the door, grabbing his coat that was hanging and slugging it over his right shoulder. "Sorry, I gotta go. Feel free to dig in. Oh, and make sure to help her out okay, Nanako?"

Nanako stood up, calling out "Daddy...!" with a hint of sadness and disappointment in her voice.

Hitomi looked back and forth between the father and daughter before continuing with her meal in silence.

"Don't wait for me. It could be kinda late..." Dojima muttered as he slid into his shoes.

Hitomi's shoulders unconsciously slouched in disappointment as Dojima opened the door and stepped a foot out the door. The sound of rain hitting the ground caught her attention, looking to the front door. Dojima looked to the right and left, surprised at the fact.

Looking over his shoulder to the girls, he asked, "Nanako, it's raining out! What did you do with the laundry?"

Nanako blinked in surprise at Dojima's hesitation to leave the house, calling out in reply, "I already brought it in! All dry!"

"Great, then I'm off," Dojima called out, putting his coat on, before closing the door behind him.

Hitomi looked over to Nanako, just in time to see her sit down as if nothing had happened. The little girl went and closed her father's box of sushi to preserve it, as if a routine. The sound of a car starting, slowly pulling out from the driveway, and driving past the house could be heard from inside; the atmosphere becoming somber as their newest family member poured her green tea into a cup.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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