Chapter Two

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                          Six years ago:


"Where are we going?" Hartley whispers to me when everyone's distracted. Scooters driving, Cooper is in the front next to him, and Garret is too busy trying to annoy Cooper to even pay a lick of attention to us. I'm annoyingly aware of every spot Harry's skin is touching mine, and how she chose to sit next to me instead of the seat closer to the window. I've noticed that I've been noticing little things like that more often lately. It's confusing and it doesn't make sense and I can't seem to figure out why I'm doing it or how to stop it. I'm not sure if I even care.

"Wherever Scooter is taking us." I answer shortly. Another thing I've realized is that it's making me become easily frustrated, little things set me off all the time. Scooter says I'm just moody because I'm getting older. I don't normally feel bad after I snap or am a little less upbeat than normal, but I always seem to if it's her. One of the many things I've noticed. I sigh, "He says this guy named Rich has given him a job, and he needs our help. We're going to go help him do his job. I don't know where it is or what we're doing, though." I whisper back to her. It's not like it's a secret, but I like when our conversations are just between the two of us.

"Oh." Is all she says, and I find myself wanting her to say more just so I can hear her voice. But I block that thought out because it doesn't make sense. "Who's Rich?" She asks a minute later. Annoyance burns my blood and I turn to look at her, about to ask why she's asking so many questions, but the thought is wiped from my tongue before it can even escape my mouth. Her eyes are pretty, blue and bright even in the darkness of the car. Her hair is luminescent and soft, a deep auburn color that flows down her back. Everything about her shines; her eyes, her hair, her smile. I love the way her nose points up and the freckles that sprinkle across it and her cheeks. "Dallas?" I watch her full pink lips form my name, and I come back to earth.

"Rich is his boss." I tell her softly, forcing myself to look away from her and keep quiet the rest of the ride. She doesn't ask anymore questions.

Scooter pulls the van behind a house, or a mansion I should say, and parks the car. He turns around and says, "Okay, so here's the game plan. You guys are going to go inside and take whatever you think is worth value and stash it in this bag. Sounds easy enough, right?"

"Right!" Garret smiles. He has no idea what's going on.

"Wrong. If someone hears you, they'll either call the cops or if I'm lucky, they'll just shoot you fuckers. So be quiet and quick. If you hear any movement, run. If you see something too big to put in this bag, leave it. If you get caught, you don't know me. Got it?" He smirks, mischief shining bright in his usually dark eyes.

"Wait. What do we do if we hear something again?" Garret asks, definitely still having no idea what's going on.

"You know what, I change my mind, you should just stay with me." Scooter nods like he's made up his mind and turns back around in his seat to face the front of the car.

"Oh, come on! You said I could go this time if I did your chores!" He exclaims, throwing his arms in the air.

"Garret, he was going to make you do his chores anyway. When have you ever seen Scooter with a mop?" Harry speaks up. Now that I think about it, never. Even trying to imagine it is hard.

"Please, Scoot!" He begs, throwing his arms around him from the backseat. "I'll stay close to Dallas this time, I swear." I watch Scooter crack. He always cracks for Garret, it's not fair. I think it's because he's the youngest and the least responsible out of the four of us.

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