Garth felt something brush his hand. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lilac dare to get as close to the edge as possible. And dare to hold his hand. She was reaching, but the distance was too far for a covert hold. Garth scooted over slightly and grabbed her fingers, her loose grip telling him that she was there and that she was alive.

One by one, Forest Group leaders came up. The lily nymph for Group 12 announced that Stephan and Kergy were in the challenge. Group 9's lily nymph stated that Raffuel of Evil was competing along with a prince. A princess from Amanda's group was going in instead of her, Edward taking a silent breath. Group 5's leader came up and told the crowd that Richard was going into the Trial. The prince jumped up with an ecstatic shout and sat back down with flushed cheeks.

Finally, Yuba came up to the front. Garth's chest hurt from his pounding heart. Lilac couldn't breath. The only thing that was keeping them conscious was the fact that they had to know. And the, now secure, grip they had on each other's hands.

"From Group 3," he boomed, "Lilac will represent Good." Garth felt light-headed, like someone had punched him in the gut. The world was void of air. Lilac held his hand tighter, waiting to hear the next name. "And Garth will represent Evil."

Everything came back full force. Garth was alert and ready. Lilac was in the Trial and so was he. He would rather her not be in it at all, but at least he could do something. Protect her at all costs. No matter how "safe" the Trial was, he wasn't taking a chance with her life. She wasn't dying that night. He wasn't able to save his sister, but he could save her.

* * *

Classes went just as Pollux had said that day. Kergy was the only one in Garth's classes that he really knew. Everyone else was a stranger and, therefore, a danger to Lilac. Especially Raffuel, a Never with jet black hair and eyes. He practically radiated hate. But he wasn't as good as Garth at being a Never.

Lilac was now spending more time with the Lynchester brothers than ever. Richard was at a loss for words, pleased he kept his princess out of the Trial, but terrified for himself. Stephan was just a prince, telling of how he would protect her from the Nevers. Lilac was getting top scores, the princes close behind.

The next two days followed this same pattern. Garth, Kergy, and Jerald were coming back from dinner of day three in preparation.

"So," Garth outlined, "once we are both in the forest, we start picking off competitors. From both sides." Kergy nodded, glancing at a pacing Never with green hair.

"Yeah," he agreed. "I'm not liking our 'friends' this year." The crack of a whip caught Garth's ear. When it cracked again, a scream followed. Garth turned toward the foyer where it was emanating from.

"Garth," Jerald said cautiously as he started to jog toward the commotion. Garth reached the foyer first and got a front row seat to a beating. A wolf was lashing out with his leather whip, a kid on the other end. The Never was screaming every time the whip hit his chest, tearing his tunic and biting his skin. Garth looked on, eyes wide.

"Garth," Kergy said, pulling on his arm. "We should go." He didn't move. Garth saw the slightest smile on the wolf. Almost like his father's cruel expression. Suddenly, the boy's screams sounded like his own.

Impulse took over. Garth launched forward, Kergy hitting the ground. As the whip fell to make another strike, Garth grabbed it and pulled. The handle wrenched out of the wolf's claws. Garth gripped it and started whipping the wolf, his suit immediately tearing to expose fur. Garth kept going, the wolf howling in pain. Kergy was shouting, Nevers were staring, but he didn't care.

The School for Good and Evil Prequel The Never Prince (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now