"I feel you, Ian gon' hurt you or nothing tho'" He reassured.

"Okay...that's good to know. Can I ask you something?"


"Did you really..you know...kill all those people?" Carsyn asked, hoping that it wasn't a touchy subject or anything like that.

"Can't say too much over this phone," He answered, yet she knew what he was insinuating, and she wasn't sure how she felt about it.

"Aye, Ian got too much time but I was just tryna talk to yo' pretty ass. Accept my request so we can talk without a time limit." He told her as the 30-second warning went off.

"Okay, I will,"

Carsyn"s heart dropped as she stared at the incoming video call notification from the Jpay app on her laptop.

She already knew who it was, she just wasn't sure if she wanted to answer it after she learned that he did, in fact, murder someone.

She just watched it ring before finally answering on the last one, quickly turning off her webcam before the call connected.

When it did, the view of a very handsome man appeared on the screen.

"What the fuck am I looking at?" He questioned aggressively trying to figure out why he was staring at a black screen.

"I have my camera covered.." She replied, not liking his tone of voice.

His face showed no expression, so it wasn't like he was mad or something.

Carsyn just stared at her screen, Asaad was in the middle of it, sitting at what looked like a desk.

She could she his bulging muscles and inked up dark skin through whatever skin was shown, he was wearing a plain white tank.

The man was definitely handsome.

It was around 2am so his background was a bit dark, the only like coming from the computer screen that he was talking to her through.

"Bitch you ah' catfish or sum?" He asked bluntly causing her to frown.

"Can you not talk to me like that? I don't like it," She asked him calmly causing him to scrunch his face up.

Carsyn was definitely more of a soft-spoken person, but she wouldn't sit there and tolerate disrespect.

If it was any other person, Asaad would've told them that he ain't give a damn what they like.

But for Carsyn, he'd change his answer.

"My bad," He mumbled.

Carsyn then cut her webcam back on, allowing Asaad to see her.

Her LED lights were currently set on yellow so he could see her pretty clearly.

She was currently wearing a grey scoop-neck top, her hair was still laid because she took some content earlier.

She was also wearing minimal makeup, it only consisting of her lipgloss and her lash extensions if you wanted to count those as well.

"You beautiful as hell," He complimented as he stared at her.

"Thank you handsome," She replied with a small smile.

"How long have you been in jail?"

"A year now, got 5 months left. Why you message me?"

"You looked too sweet to be in jail, I was curious,"

"Sweet? Nigga ain't nothin' bout me sweet," He said with his face scrunched up.

To most people, Asaad looked lke he was mean, which is why many people didn't approach him but Carsyn thought the opposite, and she wasn't sure why.

"Yes there is, you have kind eyes. Like seriously," She said honestly causing him to smile a bit.

His mother used to tell him that a lot before she passed actually, so it touched his heart a bit.

"Look and your smile pretty, like come onnnn" She said causing him to shake his head before looking away from the screen, making her laugh.

"How old you is?"

"I'm 22," She answered.

"What you do? Like yo' job and shit," He questioned.

"I own an online boutique, I sell shit like stripper essentials, heels, clothes, all that. But I teach pole-dancing classes too," She explained and his eyebrows raised, not expecting that from her.

"Why you make that face?" She asked with a small laugh,

"Ian expect you to say nothing like that, I thought you was gon' say you a nurse or sum. That's all niggas wanna be these days," He said with a shrug.

"What made you wanna get into that tho?" He asked her curiously, he personally had never heard of anyone professionally pole dancing, strippers were the most he knew about pole-dancing.

"My parents are like super christian and they didn't like...go along with some of the stuff that I did as a teenager. It wasn't any outlandish stuff, but they kicked me out on my 18th," She began to explain.

"We had just recently moved to Charlotte so none of my family was there, but I had to stay with my brother,"

"I didn't like living off of him, so I started stripping, I eventually I saved up for my own place. He paid for me to start up my boutique and after that was doing well I bought my own studio for my classes," She finished and he nodded.

"Damn, so you had yo' own come up type shit," He summed up.

"Not really, my family wasn't broke or anything, I would say we were middle class,"

"Youn' gotta be broke to have one shorty, I think you did,"

"Well, I guess. What do you do for work?" She asked him causing him to give her a "really nigga?" type of face.

"Can't say allat' on here, you should've know that,"

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