He grabs her waist and throws her over his shoulders, flipping her around and gently but swiftly dropping her on the ground. He ends up on top of her, one hand on either side of her with his face just inches from hers.

"Told you I'd make it quick," he says with a teasing smile.

Steve climbs off of her, and Loki is left both surprised and disappointed — and not for the first time — that they don't kiss. One of these times, it's going to happen. It has to. They have too much chemistry to never end up in a relationship.

Steve stands up and holds out a hand, helping her to her feet as well. "I didn't hurt you too bad?"

"Just my pride," she jokes. Steve grins and bumps her shoulder with his fist playfully, and she grins right back.

"You know what we need?" Clint asks.

"I don't know where you're going with this," Tony says, "but it's probably something we don't need."

Clint ignores that. "We need to keep going 'til we figure out who the strongest Avenger is."

Tony rolls his eyes. "I think we know who the strongest Avenger is."

They all nod in agreement – except for Loki, who just rolls his eyes. Of course they know who the strongest Avenger is. It's–

"The Hulk," Tony and Natasha say in unison.

Thor scoffs. "The Hulk?" he says incredulously.

"It's obviously Thor," Clint says. "The Hulk's only half a person, anyway."

Bruce frowns. "Does that make me half a person, too?"

"No, you're the OG," Clint assures him. "You're a whole person – and the weakest Avenger, so we'll save you the embarrassment."

Bruce nods awkwardly. "Thanks..."

"Oh, don't worry." Tony pats him on the back. "What you lack in brawn, you make up for in brains." With a cocky smirk, he adds, "We can't all be blessed with both like myself."

The collective groan of exasperation that arises from them is almost enough to make Loki laugh.

"Thor is obviously the strongest Avenger," Clint says. "It's not even a question."

Until a minute ago, Loki would have said the same thing, but they do raise a good point with the Hulk. Both Thor and the Hulk are capable of picking him up and throwing him – as the Hulk proved during the Battle of New York and Thor has proved numerous times while doing 'Get Help' – but the Hulk does it so much worse. He definitely has the side with the giant green monster, as much as it pains him to do it.

"The Hulk isn't here," Pietro reminds them. "Why does it matter if he is the strongest Avenger when he cannot participate in the tournament?"

There's a quiet murmur of agreement amongst the others that he does raise a good point.

"So, I guess there's only one thing left to do," Natasha says.

Clint smirks. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I don't know," she says. "Are you thinking that you'd like to see Thor and Rogers duke it out?"

A cheer arises from the small crowd – one that Loki makes a point not to join in. This sounds like an awful idea. It sounds like as bad of an idea as Steve and Natasha fighting – or worse, even, because Thor won't be as gentle as Steve was.

Fortunately, Steve seems to be thinking the same thing, because his expression becomes more wary. "I don't think I want to do that," he says.

"Why not?" Thor asks, a smile on his lips. "Are you afraid you'll lose?"

Loki Misses the Asgardian Prison SystemWhere stories live. Discover now