The Land Without the Gods

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Frank tumbled on the muddy grass, feeling a backpack magically appear on his back. Jason landed on his feet, Annabeth stumbled, Leo landed flat face, Nico landed on his butt, Hazel tripped, and Piper fell on her back.

"You know, teleporting makes me sick" Frank groaned.

"Wait, why aren't we dirty?" Leo added as he was clean with no dirt.

Everyone else was clean too, we all had blue backpacks on and our weapons at our side.

"Just a little thing a god can do for us" Annabeth complained.

Frank realized he recognized this place, the woods, the River, the rocks, the hill, the pine cone tree.

The Zhang mansion.

"What is it, Frank?" Piper asked.

Hazel also recognized this place, staring at the woods with open eyes.

"Hazel?" Nico said in a worried tone.

"This is where my grandmother died..." Frank said quietly.

Jason put a hand on Frank's shoulder.

"Come on man, sit down," Jason assured.

The seven sat down on some rocks in a big field of grass surrounded by the woods, as Frank stayed quiet.

"This is where Percy, Frank, and I went on our quest to Alaska," Hazel explained.

Annabeth flinched at the name Percy.

"We escaped from the Amazons and arrived here for help, but a group of "Canadians" Percy named, were surrounding the house waiting for Frank. In the end, we had to leave her."

Frank looked away, staring at the empty patch with no grass where the mansion once stood tall. The ruins were still left of it, maybe just a few wood and bricks, but everything else seemed missing.

"We'll need a plan," Annabeth stated

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, so our goal is to go to Alaska and find the String of the Fates. Any clues?"

"How about the New Great prophecy?" Jason said.

"I think it's like The lost, dead, forgotten one shall rise before the pits. It could refer to someone forgotten or never seen. or maybe Percy." Annabeth said.

Everyone nodded.

"The man with white hair, shall the world split. Who has white hair?" Leo said

"The two twins, half-titans, shall rival or bring. Twins? Are they on our side...?." Piper inspected.

"Annabeth may be right, someone forgotten. The lost one shall know the string. Can refer to the person who's been forgotten from the first line, And the string must be the Strings of Fate! We just have to find the lost one.." Hazel continued.

"The black blood shall corrupt the minds. Never heard of black blood." Leo said.

"The eye of Gaea shall break the binds. Gaea's back?" Frank said.

"She can't be killed," Annabeth stated.

"I see, but how can she come back so fast..."

"The awakening of heroes. Probably us." Jason observed.

"Death follows the unclaimed soul, fate of thee. " Nico said.

Everyone was silent.

"Why does Nico get the scary line?!" Leo complained.

"Shut up Valdez" Annabeth sounded annoyed.

So many questions were circling Annabeth's head making her dizzy.

"Ok, guys, so let me clear the air. We took this quest because I think the first line and last might relate to Percy's lost soul and if we didn't take this our fate would not be good. " Jason explained carefully, looking worried at Annabeth.

Annabeth didn't care about the world, Percy was her only priority. Annabeth couldn't imagine being stuck and lost down in Tartarus for a whole year, lost and roaming.

Maybe taking this quest wasn't a bad idea.

Frank stared into the woods, remembering where he used to—wait for a glimpse of red flickered in the woods...he saw.. a fire?

"Guys, who's that?" Frank pointed toward a glowing light.

They all looked at each other, and in the woods again.

"Well, who wants to go investigate?" Hazel asked.

Frank was the first to raise his hand.

"Alright, who else?" Jason asked.

Jason and Leo raised their hands.

"Hey! You got to go last time!" Leo complained.

"I'll go," Annabeth said as she smiled at Jason.

Jason shrugged.

"Sorry guys, I just want to ask what happened to my grandma," Frank said sadly.

Everyone nodded, they seemed to know already.

"Let's go, crew!"

Leo marched into the woods with Annabeth, Frank, and Leo.

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