Chapter 1 Phoenix flames and Time's scorn

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When all is said and done...will you even regret anything you have done?... "No"

Another two years have gone by since the last battle and both Serenity and Rendfall had a time of peace the empire even reformed itself due to suggestions made by Ash and Bronya the twin queens had enough support to finally release the grip of the empire as more sovereign nations pop up it gave the two of them more free time to hand out with their new daughter/niece Ash. She along with Soma had their hands busy as they worked with their families to prevent any power vacuums or civil wars from starting. Even with their schedules they still made plenty of time for each other and their friends Soma went out of her way to visit and check up on Seraphim and Fate. Soma was the first of the wolves to notice a strange shift in her friend and made a point to give her some of the Uniter's off time to spar and whatnot. Meanwhile, Bronya and Hideko took a trip to what would be their home on the boiling lands.

The land was dangerous and uncharted but they loved the challenge the trip gave the girls enough time to work through their issues like Bronya working through an almost second set of memories as if she was the ice witch herself and thanks to Hideko's help she was guided through her memories until she was forced out of the memory but it was leading them to something on the dragon but it's only a matter of time before they find it. In the meantime, the group did have something else to look forward to as they were all soon invited to Yuri and Gray's wedding! A long time coming but they decided to finally tie the knot now that everything had calmed down. But two of their families were still missing even when the invites were sent out they were busy handling some unfinished business.

Near the edge of the forest, two Motorcycles rode down the dirt path until they reached the edge of the civilized world and both finally skidded to a stop on a familiar cliff face as a red helmet slowly disassembled itself as flowing grey hair fell down and as the woman takes off her goggles it's revealed to be Sasha and right behind her the former magenta scourge turned Knight Astrid takes off her purple helmet and walks over to Sasha. "This place brings back memories." As Astrid says that hemo hops off the back of Sasha's bike and dusts herself off. "Not the best memories but yeah just it certainly does." Sasha looks over the edge and leaps down as Hemo and Astrid grab their weapons and join her below as they search through the forest memories of Sasha's escape were still clear as day as they reached what appeared to be a bunker door as they got closer Sasha looked at the two of them and sighed. "You two ready?" They both smile and nod as Sasha uses her magic to create a pistol and shoots the lock before kicking the door open they see a set of stairs leading deep down.

As they entered the facility the walls were almost like a hospital it was unnerving like they entered a completely different world it was silent besides distant beeping here and there keeping the group on their guard as Sasha guided them forward. "Sasha, what are we looking for here?" Sasha stops and looks down both ends of the t-hallway. "I have to find the man that did this to me and Hemo and if we want any chance of doing that then it has to be here in this place." She goes left as they follow her Astrid tries to use her future vision to help but something yet again is blocking her future sight. "Seems we are on the right track I can't see anything." They suddenly hear a door creak open as they all point their firearms at it and slowly approach and open the door revealing a decently large room a lab it looked like. They secured the area looked around and found a strange glowing device as Sasha used her vision on it she discovered something very interesting. "It's like a life support system." "But for who?" Sasha looks around following the mana until she sees someone below the floor, but before she can tell her group Hemo presses the button on the device just as they both look at her she nervously giggles and the floor opens up to reveal a pool of red fluid.

"So sashie does this lead us closer to dad?" Sasha glares at Hemo before Astrid walks over to the edge and leans down. "Looks to be blood of some kind." Sasha takes off her coat and dives into the blood pool before finally spotting someone floating and grabs them pulling them both out before Astrid and Hemo pull her out. As they look at the person they see a girl with pink hair and eyes in a hospital gown as she slowly stirs awake and looks around. "Huh? Where is Father? He told me to take a nap and would be right back?" Sasha carefully approaches her as the girl gets scared. "W-woah hey, I don't want to hurt you...I'm just like you." Sasha's eyes turn red as the girl immediately recognizes the markings on her eyes. "Y-you are like me! Neverghast eyes!" The girl does the same thing with the same with her own eyes leaving Sasha in shock until they hear a blaring alarm getting up to defend themselves they stop once a screen pops to life they see a strange man on the screen but one Sasha hates with all her being...her "Father"

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