Truthfully, I Accept

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Why. Why was Wriothesley so invested in this? Why did he want this so bad? Does he know the consequences? Neuvillette definitely needed a moment to let this sink in.


Neuvi [8:42 AM]:
Are you sure?

Wrio [8:42 AM]:

Neuvi [8:42 AM]:
Are you positive?

Wrio [8:43 AM]:

Neuvi [8:43 AM]:
Very well then.
Neuvi [8:44 AM]:
You know, if I mark you, I'll become more possessive over you.

Wrio [8:44 AM]:
So far, you're only giving me reasons to be excited.

Neuvi [8:45 AM]:

Wrio [8:45 AM]:
Yeah. I'm not seeing any downsides whatsoever.
Wrio [8:46 AM]:
I guess I'll be a little sore when all is said and done, but I'll live.

Neuvi [8:46 AM]:
If you want that, then I guess we don't have to cancel Friday.

Wrio [8:47 AM]:
And I'll have to leave the fortress in capable hands for.. what, a week or so?

Neuvi [8:47 AM]:
Yes, that sounds about right.
Neuvi [8:48 AM]:
Maybe an extra day or two due to your possible lack of walking ability.

Wrio [8:48 AM]:
So I get recovery time where you'll fuss over me? That's even better.

Neuvi [8:48 AM]:
You're making me unnecessarily excited for this, too.

Wrio [8:49 AM]:
That's good. It must have been pretty difficult going through this alone so many times before.

Neuvi [8:49 AM]:
Yes, that's true, though I managed to live through it.

Wrio [8:50 AM]:
People can live through a lot. Doesn't mean it's not awful in the moment.
Wrio [8:50 AM]:
Let me make it a nice experience this time.

Neuvi [8:50 AM]:
Thank you.
Neuvi [8:51 AM]:
Though, I should warn you, because you're helping me out this time, I may become more desparate, needy and eager, as well as it may come sooner.

Wrio [8:52 AM]:
Sounds like a fun challenge. I'm sure it'll be fine.
Wrio [8:52 AM]:
Even if it is technically for making babies, and I can't exactly do that for you.

Neuvi [8:52 AM]:
I don't need children. I'll do just fine without them, I'm sure.


Sure, Neuvilette wanted kids, but that was something they should decide together, if it worked out.

He hoped it worked out.


Wrio [8:53 AM]:
You're already a mother-hen to all the Melusines in the nation anyway.
Wrio [8:53 AM]:
I'm just hoping that your instincts will be fine with the process, even if it doesn't end the intended way.

Neuvi [8:54 AM]:
I'm sure it will. And if they aren't, they'll just encourage me to breed you more.

Wrio [8:55 AM]:
And that sounds like my dream scenario.

Neuvi [8:55 AM]:
Well, as soon as you get here, we can make it happen.


Is this seriously about to happen? Neuvillette thought to himself. Was he actually about to do this? Seriously about to fuck Wriothesley?

Well.. no turning back now, right?


Wrio [8:57 AM]:
I hate that I still have to wrap things up here and make sure this place doesn't fall apart with me gone. Otherwise, I'd already be half way to the surface.

Neuvi [8:57 AM]:
I'll be patient for you, Wriothesley.

Wrio [8:59 AM]:
You really do say the sweetest things sometimes.
Wrio [8:59 AM]:
It makes you wonder how you weren't already off the market long before I came along.

Neuvi [9:00 AM]:
I'm not sure. Though, I've never really interested in anyone until I met you.

Wrio [9:00 AM]:
Despite the mating instincts?

Neuvi [9:00 AM]:

Wrio [9:01 AM]:
That... Genuinely makes me feel pretty special.
Wrio [9:01 AM]:
And it would even if you weren't the actual Hydro Dragon.

Neuvi [9:01 AM]:
I'm glad it does, because you are special to me.

Wrio [9:02 AM]:
Stop sweet-talking me when you're so far away. It's very unfair.
Wrio [9:02 AM]:
Though... I do have one more question. You talked about marking someone as your mate, before.

Neuvi [9:03 AM]:
I did. You could still help me the same way, even if you don't want me to mark you.

Wrio [9:04 AM]:
No. No, I want you to. Absolutely.
Wrio [9:04 AM]:
I just don't know for sure what that entails..?

Neuvi [9:06 AM]:
That nobody else can be my partner. That you're the only one I can have. That you'll be mine.

Wrio [9:07 AM]:
So... It's a two-way street. I'll be yours and you'll be mine. Until I die.

Neuvi [9:07 AM]:
Well, dragons almost always mate for life. I fall in that category. So.. even if you're gone some day, I won't have anyone else. But that doesn't bother me. You're the only one I want.

Wrio [9:10 AM]:
If you're sure that won't be a problem a thousand years from now? I do love the idea, but I don't want to put you through unnecessary pain.

Neuvi [9:10 AM]:
It will hurt, but I don't care. I want only you. The pain would be greater if I never got to have you.

Wrio [9:11 AM]:
Well... How can a man say no to that?
Wrio [9:11 AM]:
But when you're back to normal, we'll have to deal the bond in a human fashion as well. If you're amenable.

Neuvi [9:12 AM]:
Oh? But of course. That's only suitable. Though, I will say, the action of me marking you will hurt.

Wrio [9:12 AM]:
You know I don't mind a little pain.


Did I just agree to not only marry him, but mark him as well?

I know I won't regret this. Well, I guess that just means he's mine now.

And I'm not complaining.

Neuvillette glanced out the window again before looking back down at his phone.


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