I smile, "thank you, mio fratello." I whisper, kissing his cheek.
(T-my brother)

"Doesn't our sister look gorgeous, dante."
Says stefano, looking behind me.

I turn to face my twin, giving him a cheesy smile. "Not really-" stefano nudges him slightly before he continues, "I mean yeah, gorgeous."

I ignore them both and walk outside making my way into the stables. A sigh of relief escapes me when I see my white horse, her pearly white mane resting beside her. I walk over to her and plant a kiss onto her body. Izara neighs with a low voice in response. I love it when she does that, it makes me think she can understand me.

I'm about to grab the saddle when I hear quick footsteps, "m-m-miss." Breathes the guard, clearly out of breath. "His majesty told me to tell you tha- that breakfast is ready."

I nod and give him a smile, "thank you." I give izara a quick kiss before handing her to the guard, making my way back inside the palace, finding my twin at the entrance.

"What do you want dante." I mutter, rolling my eyes.

He gasps and brings his hand up to his chest "what I want- is for you to be nice to me." He grins.

"Oh yeah? Well maybe if you didn't stink so bad you have to use three bottles of perfume, I'd consider being nice to you." I grunt. Flicking my hair and walking off, turning the corner, and making my way to the dining hall.

I open the double doors to find my family already sat at the table, I walk towards the table and curtesy before taking a seat next to my twin, who seemed to have made it before me. He gives me a smile. I don't smile back, instead, I stick my tongue out at him.

"Bastardo." He whispers.
(T- bastard)

"Culo!" I whisper-shout.
(T- go fuck yourself)

"You're so annoying." He replies.

"Well I would like to say the same about your-" I begin, before I'm interrupted by mama, who gives me a warning look and pietro who stifles a laugh.

Papa begins to eat, so we all begin to pile our plates with food.

"Mi amore," says papa, looking towards me, "we have to do setting about those men." He says.
(T- my love)

"What men?" I question, intrigued.

"The king that wants you to marry their son." He explains, gaining my attention fully.

My head pops up, I mean, if he's good looking, I guess I'll take him. "What does he look like?" I ask innocently.

"Probably a cow." Mutters dante, I snap my head to glare at him.

"That's rude!" I scold, swatting his arm.

"What's rude is that they want you to marry at 19." He starts, "doesn't make sense to me."

"Shut up dante, go stuff your gob with more chicken." I huff, he really isn't helping my case here.

"Papa she doesn't even need to marry yet, the heir to the throne is stefano and then pietro." Replies alfonzo, glancing at me, his eyes full of pity, I have no idea why he's pitying me because I would love to get married.

"Yes but what about the other side of the family. The man she is going to marry? Will he not be an heir to the throne?

"She's immature papa, she doesn't know how to be a queen." Replies stefano.

"That's rude." I mumble.

Everybody begins eating again, and the table is silent from then on, occasionally, stefano talks a little longer with papa but it dies down after a while.

I pick up my plate, mostly adding vegetables and then I add a piece of toast.

After I finish eating before everyone else, dante glances at me and adds a chicken piece into my plate without a word.

I pick up the piece of chicken and put it in his plate.

"I don't want it." I mumble.

He puts it back in my plate and moves it closer to me, "just eat the damn thing." He replies.

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