Chapter 4 - I Don't Hate You

Start from the beginning

"I give you my best wishes" she stated and walked away. 

"She got jealous good" Cassie muttered. 

"Seriously, Cas? You're going to say that?".

"You should go say something to her, Jess." Abi suggested. you know what? She's right. I might made Laura frown, again.


I went in the classroom, straight to Laura. 

"Hey I'm sorry." I stated. She just continues reading the book. I'm running out of words to say. Then class started. I really think Laura's mad at me. Oh gosh, I forgot my Math Book. I freaking forgot my Math book! "If you don't have it today, you can share with your seatmate" Mr. Lawrence said. 

Seriously? I'll let Laura who's obviously mad at me share a book with me? I guess I have no other choice anyway. So I turned my head, opening my mouth to ask her- wait what. SHE'S SLEEPING!? 'Wow. You're smart alright' I thought sarcastically and rolled my eyes. 

Maybe she knew what was coming. Maybe she really is mad at me. 

Maybe... maybe... 

I heard rustling sounds beside me and something poked me. I was shoved on my shoulders by a Math Book. When I turned around I saw Laura handing a Math Book to me with her one peeking eye out, her hair a bit messy, and her signature smirk. I'm lying if I said she didn't look cute at that one. My face was heating up so I gladly accepted her share of her Math Book. I guess she's not mad at all. But I can't be sure of that.


It was dismissal. I stood up and grabbed sleepy Laura's wrist. 

"Woah what?" she said surprisingly. 

"We're going shopping". I pulled her outside the school. Later on, we were on our way to the mall entrance. And I haven't realized that i was still holding Laura's wrist. I saw her smirked. I took my hands off quickly. When we went inside, there are so many places to go! Trust me, I love shopping. 

"Come on Laura!" I said excitingly. 

We went every clothing line store, heck we even went to a supermarket. We went to Forever 21. Me and Laura got separated a bit to look at some good items and clothing. As I was walking at the head gear aisle, I saw Laura. Her eyes were filled with amazement at something. So I went there. 

"Hey Laura. Whatcha looking for?" I asked. 

"This knitted beanie is so cute" she held the beanie. 

Cute? I never heard her used the term 'cute' before. But I see it was adorable. 

"It is, Laura". She smiled with delight then turned into a sorrowing face when she saw the price tag. She put it back, closed her eyes and sighed at it. I pat her arm with concern. Like an 'it's okay' gesture.

I was looking at the long-sleeve section and something caught my eye. A white sweater with little kittens patterns. This sweater's too adorable. I'm not a cat person nor a dog person. I just find cute things... cute. Duh. I hugged the sweater. What? It's soft as a cotton! Well, theoretically it is cotton. Anyways, I looked at the price tag and knew that I wouldn't able to afford that. Laura's beanie, I could. 

"I think we should get going" Laura sneaked up again. I jumped a little .

"Woah. Okay. I think we should" I left the entrance and Laura walked out with her eyes at the cute sweater curiously. We went to eat McDonald's because why not.

"So, explain" she said.

 "Explain what?"

"What's all of this about?" she asked. I looked my head down. I completely forgot I just grabbed Laura in here, not saying anything. 

I sighed "I just want to say sorry for something-"

"Okay enough said. I understand. It's not your fault or anything" she cut me off. She moved on so easily. 

As I finished my last fry, I got up and walked to the bathroom. But then some guy bumped into me and let me fall. Then again, I didn't feel pain at all. Something soft was behind me, or below me. I don't even know how to explain. 

"I'm sorry" the dude said running away. 

Tsk, pussy. 

"I heard that. Language, Miss Roland" Laura chuckled. I was surprised. Laura was on the floor in a sitting position. Laura caught me. 

"Um thanks" I said. I really am grateful to her.


Me and Laura were walking home. 

"You know," Laura said breaking the silence. "I really really do wonder why you're still talking to me. And more importantly, why are you here hanging out with me." she looked at me. 

"What makes you say that?" I asked. I am curious and nervous at the same time. Nervous at what Laura's going to say. 

"I thought you hate me" she stated. Those five words rounded my head over and over again. "I mean, I overheard you last time saying you hate me" she said. 

Well I did say that one time to my former seatmate. I thought she was weird back then. I mean she's a nerd, so quiet, and she's like an ice queen. Yes, I did hate her. I was supposed to hate her so much until now. 

But then, what's to hate, really? Laura has been there for me the whole time. She even saved my life, for Pete's sake!!! 

"I don't..." I started "I don't hate you, Laura"

I felt myself blushing. Thinking deeply of what I said and of what she would think. 

"Then what do you feel?" she asked. 

What do I feel about Laura? Is she a friend to me now or what? I don't even know myself.

I opened my mouth trying to get an answer out but couldn't. 

"Ohp!" Laura said covering her palm on my opened mouth. "You don't have to answer it" she continued "I mean you're home now, see?". She gestured to my house. Wow, I am home. 

I let out a laugh. "What's so funny?" Laura asked. I forgot she was there. 

"Nothing. Nothing. Hey Laura..." I said trying to stop laughing. She looked at me curiously. I looked up to her with a smile on my face "It was nice hanging out with you today". 

I went through my gate, still smiling. As I almost opened the front door, "Hey Ica!" Laura called out. 

"I feel the same way" she smiled brightly. I smiled back and entered my house. She called me by a unique nickname that I never heard before. Yeah, I definitely don't hate this girl.


Chapter 4's here! Hope you enjoyed! (I got no fans yay) But whatevs. Hahaha I'll update soon ^_^ See ya guys around.

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